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Judul Penelitian :
Peta Kompetensi Soft Skill Program Pemagangan (Apprenticeship Program) di Industri Perhotelan Balikpapan
Abstrak (Abstracts)

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui persepsi pentingnya penanaman kompetensi soft skill, kebutuhan kompetensi soft skill, proses pembelajaran kompetensi soft skill, dan keterserapan kerja peserta pemagangan di industri perhotelan di Balikpapan. Penelitian ini menggunakan strategi metode campuran bertahap terutama strategi eksplanatoris sekuensial. Rumusan masalah kesatu, ketiga, dan keempat menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sedangkan rumusan masalah kedua menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis data kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analysis Interactive Model, sedangkan analisa data kuantitatif menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa: 1) Penanaman kompetensi soft skill sangatlah penting dan menjadi modal dasar seseorang dalam mengaktualisasikan dirinya untuk bekerja terutama dalam pelaksanaan program pemagangan; 2) Sepuluh prioritas kebutuhan kompetensi soft skill pada bagian Food & Beverage Production (Kitchen) pada program pemagangan di sektor industri perhotelan Balikpapan meliputi mampu kerjasama, fokus dalam melakukan pekerjaan, kemampuan berkomunikasi, jujur, tanggung jawab, kreatifitas, inisiatif bekerja, kedisiplinan, kesopanan, dan ketelitian. Sedangkan sepuluh prioritas kebutuhan kompetensi soft skill pada bagian Food & Beverage Service meliputi jujur, kesopanan, kemampuan berkomunikasi, peka terhadap kebutuhan konsumen, bertanggungjawab, fokus dalam melakukan pekerjaan, kerjasama, kedisiplinan, kepercayaan diri, dan inisiatif bekerja; 3) Proses penanaman kompetensi soft skill pada pelaksanaan program pemagangan diberikan secara teori pada tahap pra-apprenticeship dan diimplementasikan pada tahap kegiatan apprenticeship di industri perhotelan; 4) Keterserapan kerja peserta pemagangan mencapai 72% diterima bekerja pada triwulan pertama dan 100% pada triwulan kedua.

This study aims to determine the perception of the importance of soft skill competency investment, soft skill competency need, soft skill competency learning process, and work absorption of the apprentices in Balikpapan hospitality industry. This study uses mixed method approach with sequential explanatory strategy. The first, third, and fourth problems use a qualitative approach, while the second issue uses a quantitative approach. The qualitative data analysis uses Analysis Interactive Model. Meanwhile, the quantitative data analysis uses descriptive statistics. The results revealed that the investment of soft skill competency is essential and becomes the necessary capital of a person in actualizing himself to work mainly in the implementation of the apprenticeship program. Ten priority needs of soft skill competency in F&B Production section on apprenticeship program in Balikpapan hospitality industry sector include ability to cooperate, focus in doing work, communication ability, honesty, responsibility, creativity, work initiative, discipline, politeness, and carefulness. While the top ten priority needs soft skill competency in the F&B Service include honesty, courtesy, communication skill, responsiveness to consumer needs, responsibility, focus in doing work, cooperation, discipline, confidence, and work initiative. The process of investment soft skill competency in the implementation of the apprenticeship program is given theoretically in the pre-apprenticeship stage and implemented at the apprenticeship activity stage in the hospitality industry. Work absorption of the apprentices reaches 72%.

Keyword : Soft skil, apprenticeship, dan hospitality industrial

Nilai Properti

: Tuatul Mahfud, S.Pd., M. Pd.

: Drs. Bambang Jati Kusuma, M.M.

: Yogiana Mulyani, M.M.Par.

: Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

: Tata Boga

: 2017

: Indonesia


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