Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
The Heavy Equipment Unit as an educational facility has a very big influence as a mechanical engineering learning program. The heavy equipment study program is currently learning in the field of mechanical engineering using a simulator that causes water to appear in the fuel tank. Analyze the effect of temperature changes on the emergence of water to find out how the process of evaporation occurs in the fuel tank, and find out what is the difference in temperature inside the fuel tank with the temperature outside the fuel tank and find out what the temperature is to the amount of water in the fuel tank. The author makes observations on props that cause water to appear in the fuel tank to determine the effect of temperature changes. obtained in hot weather conditions the air temperature outside in the morning is 25.3℃, the temperature inside the fuel tank is 25.6℃, and the amount of water produced in the fuel tank is 40.7 ml, while during the day the temperature in the outside air is 28 ,4℃, the temperature inside the fuel tank is 30.7℃, and the amount of water produced in the fuel tank is 60.2 ml, and at night the outside air temperature is 27.2℃, the temperature inside the fuel tank is 27.4, and the amount the water produced in the fuel tank is 50.3 ml. the temperature during the day is quite high even in hot, rainy, and cold weather conditions. The average water that is obtained in the fuel tank is more during the day because the temperature during the day is higher than in the morning and at night, this is due to the influence of the outside air temperature on the temperature inside the fuel tank. This results in evaporation in the fuel tank which gives rise to water vapor. Unit Alat Berat sebagai sarana pendidikan membawa pengaruh yang sangat besar sebagai program pembelajaran teknik mesin program studi alat berat disaat ini pembelajaran pada bidang teknik mesin menggunakan alat peraga ( simulator ) penyebab timbulnya air di dalam fuel tank. Melakukan Analisa pengaruh perubahan temperature terhadap timbulnya air untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses terjadinya penguapan di dalam fuel tank, serta mengetahui berapakah perbedaan suhu di dalam fuel tank dengan suhu diluar fuel tank dan mengetahui berapakah temperature terhadap jumlah air di dalam fuel tank. Penulis melakukan observasi pada alat peraga penyebab timbulnya air didalam fuel tank untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan temperature. didapatkan pada kondisi cuaca panas temperature udara diluar pada pagi hari yaitu 25,3℃, temperature di dalam fuel tank 25,6℃, dan jumlah air yang dihasilkan di dalam fuel tank 40,7ml, sedangkan pada siang hari temperature di udara luar yaitu 28,4℃, temperature di dalam fuel tank 30,7℃, dan jumlah air yang dihasilkan di dalam fuel tank 60,2ml,dan pada malam hari temperature udara luar 27,2℃, temperature di dalam fuel tank 27,4, dan jumlah air yang dihasilkan di dalam fuel tank 50,3 ml. temperature pada siang hari cukup tinggi walaupun pada kondisi cuaca panas, hujan, dan dingin. Rata-rata air yang di dapatkan di dalam fuel tank lebih banyak pada saat siang hari itu di karenakan temperature pada siang hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pagi dan juga malam, hal itu diakibatkan ada pengaruh temperature udara luar terhadap temperature yang ada di dalam fuel tank yang mengakibatkan di fuel tank terjadi penguapan yang memunculkan uap air.

Keyword : Perubahan Temperature, Fuel Tank, Fuel System

Nilai Properti
: SUKARDI, : 912018028, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2021, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Mohamad Amin, S.Pd.T., M.PFis.

Dr. Hadi Hermansyah, S.Si., M.Si.
