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Abstrak (Abstracts)
The development of computer technology today is very supportive of human needs. One of them is the development of electronic correspondence which is often referred to as e-mail. E-mail stands for electronic mail, the popular term in the correspondence. With e-mail people can exchange data, files, information and many more. By using this email mailing will be faster, easier and does not require a long time. Exchange Server 2013 is an application that is used as a mail server. Exchange Server 2013 as a mail server that gives access to users to use outlook web access accounts through web browsers with users already present in the Active Directory. Active directory is useful for storing user, group, computer, hardware and security configuration in centralized database. Active directory only allows users who have registered in the scope of the network that has been given prior permission without any outside users who can infiltrate so that the security of user data will be more secure. Keyword : E-mail, Exchange server, Active Directory The development of computer technology today is very supportive of human needs. One of them is the development of electronic correspondence which is often referred to as e-mail. E-mail stands for electronic mail, the popular term in the correspondence. With e-mail people can exchange data, files, information and many more. By using this email mailing will be faster, easier and does not require a long time. Exchange Server 2013 is an application that is used as a mail server. Exchange Server 2013 as a mail server that gives access to users to use outlook web access accounts through web browsers with users already present in the Active Directory. Active directory is useful for storing user, group, computer, hardware and security configuration in centralized database. Active directory only allows users who have registered in the scope of the network that has been given prior permission without any outside users who can infiltrate so that the security of user data will be more secure. Keyword : E-mail, Exchange server, Active Directory ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi komputer saat ini sangat mendukung kebutuhan manusia. Salah satunya perkembangan surat menyurat elektronik yang sering disebut sebagai e-mail. E-mail merupakan singkatan dari elektronik mail, yaitu istilah populer dalam surat menyurat. Dengan e-mail orang dapat bertukar data, file, informasi dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Dengan menggunakan surat elektronik ini pengiriman surat akan lebih cepat, mudah dan tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Exchange Server 2013 adalah aplikasi yang digunakan sebagai mail server. Exchange Server2013 sebagai mail server yang memberikan akses kepada useruntuk menggunakan akun outlook web access melalui web browser dengan user yang sudah terdapat pada aktive direktory.Active directory berguna sebagai penyimpan konfigurasi user, grup, komputer, hardware serta policy keamanan dalam database terpusat.Active directory hanya mengijinkan user yang sudah terdaftar dalam ruang lingkup jaringan yang sudah di berikan ijin sebelumnya tanpa ada user luar yang dapat menyusup sehingga keamanan data user akan lebih terjamin. Kata kunci : E-mail, Exchange Server, Active directory

Keyword : E-mail, Exchange Server, Active directory

Nilai Properti
: FAHMI DWI NUR AINI, : 130309220093, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA, : 2017, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Drs. Armin, M.T.

Totok Sulistyo, S.T., M.T.
