Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
The Addition of Purple Sweet Potato Flour to Lasagna Paste, Final Project, Balikpapan, food and baverage department, State Polytechnic of Balikpapan, 2017. The purpose of this research are (1) to understand purple sweet potato flour as additional material in making lasagna paste. (2) to understand the process of making purple yam flour (3) to understand the process of making lasagna paste with additionl of purple sweet potato. (4) to understand the level of preference and quality of lasagna paste product with purple sweet potato flour. There are two stages of experiments used such as: preliminary test research and advanced test of organoleptic testing who involve 25 well-trained panelists, the hedonic test questionnaires and quality are used to determinated the favorite level and hedonic quality level of lasagna paste product with addition of purple sweet potato flour. Based on the results of hedonic test analysis using spss 20 showed that thepanelis gave the averages score in term of color, aroma, texture and flavour are 3,76, 4.28, 3.96, 4.24. Meanwhile the result of hedonic quality in term of color was equal to 3,20 and the average of panelistexpressing bright color, in term of aroma the quality was equal to 3.08 and the average of panelist stated between purple sweet potato and not purple sweet potato, in term of texture, the quality was equal to 3,60 and the average of panelist represents a chewy texture, in term of flavor was equal to 3.04 and the average of panelist expressing a rather distinctive taste of purple yam. Penambahan Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu pada Pembuatan Pasta Lasagna, Tugas Akhir, Balikpapan, Program Studi Tata Boga, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, 2017. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui tepung ubi ungu sebagai bahan tambahan pada pembuatan pasta lasagna. (2) untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan tepung ubi ungu (3) untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan pasta lasagna dengan bahan tambahan tepung ubi ungu. (4) untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan dan mutu terhadap produk pasta lasagna dengan bahan tambahan tepung ubi ungu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ada dua tahapan yaitu penelitian pendahuluan eksperimen dan penelitian lanjutan pengujian organoleptik yang melibatkan 25 panelis agak terlatih, angket uji hedonic dan mutu digunakan dalam tingkat kesukaan dan tingkat mutu hedonik produk pasta lasagna dengan penambahan tepung ubi jalar ungu. Berdasarkan hasil analisa uji hedonik dengan menggunakan spss 20 menunjukan bahwa rata-rata panelis menyatakan suka terhadap warna, aroma, tekstur dan rasa sebesar 3,76, 4,28, 3,96, 4,24. Sedangkan untuk hasil mutu hedonik terhadap aspek warna sebesar 3,20 rata-rata panelis menyatakan warna cerah, pada aspek mutu aroma sebesar 3,08 rata-rata panelis menyatakan antara beraroma ubi ungu dan tidakberaroma ubi ungu, padaaspek mutu tekstur sebesar 3,60 rata-rata panelis menyatakan tekstur kenyal, padaaspek mutu rasa sebesar 3,04 rata-rata panelis menyatakan rasa agak khas ubi ungu.

Keyword : Ubi Jalar Ungu, Pasta Lasagna, Uji Organoleptik

Nilai Properti
: RIZQA NUR AMALINA, : 140309257894, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TATA BOGA, : 2017, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Farida, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Praseptia Gardiarini, S.Gz., M.P.H.
