Project’s Detail

Analisis Organoleptik Doughnut Waffle (Doffle) Dengan Subtitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Kuning
Abstrak (Abstracts)
Rifki Nailufar, organoleptic analysis of donut waffle (doffle) with yellow sweet potato flour substitution. Final project, Balikpapan, Balikpapan State Polytechnic Culinary Study Program, 2022. This study aims to increase the innovation of donut products by replacing one of the main ingredients, namely flour with yellow sweet potato flour because the use of yellow sweet potato flour in food making is still not developed, then the author adds innovation from the donut making process, if donuts are generally in fry using oil the author replaces it with a waffle mold, usually croffle is made of croissant dough which is shaped using a waffle mold while the author will change the Croffle product (croissant waffle) into Doffle (doughnut waffle). The first stage is a preliminary study to test the recipe for doughnut waffle using 3 formulas (formula 1 = 20%, formula 2 = 40% and formula 3 = 60%). The next stage is further research in the form of distributing hedonic test questionnaire sheets and hedonic quality test sheets to 30 moderately trained students. In the hedonic test the panelists preferred the doughnut waffle formula 2 based on the average for color 4.20, aroma 4.10, texture 4.10 and taste 4.13. in the hedonic quality test, panelists prefer formula 1 in terms of color and texture with an average value of color 4.00 and texture 3.90, in terms of aroma the panelists choose formula 2 and in terms of taste the panelists prefer formula 3 with an average value of 3.67. Friedman test shows that there is a difference between the three formulas from the aspect of color and texture because the variable data is less than 0.05. However, the frieadman test showed no difference between the three formulas from the aspect of aroma and taste because the variable data was more than 0.05. Keywords: Yellow Sweet Potato Flour, Doughnut waffle, Hedonic Test, Hedonic Quality Test. Analisis Organoleptik Doughnut Waffle (Doffle) Dengan Subtitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Kuning

Keyword : Kata kunci: Tepung Ubi Jalar Kuning, Doughnut waffle, Uji Hedonik, Uji Mutu Hedonik.

Nilai Properti
: RIFKI NAILUFAR, : 942019045, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TATA BOGA, : 2022, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Mahfud, S.Pd., M.T.

Drs. Bambang Jati Kusuma, M.M.
