Project’s Detail

Analisa kerusakan main pump pada unit Excavator Doosan 500 LCV Di PT. Mitrah Indah Lestari Workshop Balikpapan
Abstrak (Abstracts)
This research was conducted at PT. Mitrah Indah Lestari on the Doosan S500 LCV excavator unit to analyze and understand the factors causing damage to the S500 LCV main pump excavator, to know the corrective steps and to recommend steps to prevent the damage to the main pump, as well as to know and understand the types of disturbances in the main pump that affect the performance of the Excavator S500 LCV heavy equipment. The damage analysis method used in this research is the fishbone method. The factor causing damage to the Doosan S500 LCV main pump excavator is the blockage on the suction filter in the hydraulic tank. There are 5 main pump repair steps, starting from preparing the components and tools used, to checking for damage. The recommendations to prevent the damage are to select the inner parts according to manual book standards, always do daily checks such as checking hydraulic oil levels, leaks, etc., keep the hydraulic oil clean by avoiding causes of contamination such as air ingress, replace suction filters if they have been used past the replacement period, check the hydraulic oil and the suction filter more often, as well as to carry out preventive maintenance regularly. Finally, it is known that the types of disturbance in the main pump that affects the performance of the Doosan S500 LCV excavator, especially internal leaks in the hydraulic pump, include leaks in the main pump head seal, scratches on the cylinder barrel, damaged valve plates, and broken pistons or piston rings. Keywords: main pump, hydraulic system, cylinder barrel, valve plate, maintenance, suction filter, delivery pressure. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Mitrah Indah Lestari pada unit excavator Doosan S500 LCV untuk menganalisis dan memahami faktor penyebab kerusakan main pump excavator S500 LCV, mengetahui langkah perbaikan dan merekomendasikan langkah pencegahan kerusakan main pump, serta mengetahui dan memahami jenis gangguan pada main pump yang berpengaruh terhadap performance alat berat Excavator S500 LCV. Metode analisis kerusakan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode fishbone. Faktor penyebab kerusakan main pump excavator Doosan S500 LCV adalah penyumbatan pada suction filter pada tangki hidrolik. Terdapat 5 langkah perbaikan main pump, mulai dari mempersiapkan komponen dan alat yang digunakan sampai mengecek terjadinya kerusakan. Rekomendasi pencegahan kerusakannya yaitu melakukan pemilihan inner part sesuai standar manual book, selalu melakukan daily check seperti pengecekan oli hydraulic level, kebocoran, dan lain-lain, menjaga kebersihan oli hidrolik dengan cara menghindari penyebab kontaminasi seperti masuknya udara, melakukan penggantian suction filter jika masa pemakaiannya sudah melewati jangka waktu penggantian, lebih rutin dalam melakukan pengecekan terhadap oli hidrolik dan suction filternya, serta melakukan Preventive Maintenance secara teratur. Terakhir, diketahui jenis gangguan pada main pump yang berpengaruh terhadap performa alat berat excavator Doosan S500 LCV khususnya internal leakage pada hydraulic pump antara lain kebocoran pada seal head main pump, scratch pada cylinder barrel, rusaknya plate valve, dan patahan piston atau ring piston. Kata kunci: main pump, hydraulic system, cylinder barrel, valve plate, maintenance, suction filter, delivery pressure.

Keyword : main pump, hydraulic system, cylinder barrel, valve plate, maintenance, suction filter, delivery pressure.

Nilai Properti
: IKRAM RAMADAN, : 912019012, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TEKNIK MESIN, : 2022, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Zulkifli, S.T., M.T.

Ali Abrar, S.Si., M.T.
