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Abstrak (Abstracts)
Hydraulic system is a power transfer system by using a liquid or fluid as its intermediary. In a hydraulic system, there is a change of hydraulic power into mechanical power. Before it is converted into mechanical energy, great flow, flow direction and magnitude of the pressure in the hydraulic system must be set in order to obtain a controlled mechanical force direction of movement, speed of movement or energy amount. In the hydraulic system there are some main components, such as Hydraulic Tank, Hydraulic Pump, Control Valve, PPC, Lever Control, and Actuator. Currently there are two types of hydraulic system that was developed for use in heavy equipment, namely the Open Center Load Sensing System (OLSS) and Close Center Load Sensing System (CLSS). In the Excavator PC 400LC – 8 units use the Close Center Load Sensing System (CLSS) hydraulic system. When the researcher did on the job training (OJT) at PT United Tractors site Rantau, the researcher found troubleshooting to the unit Excavator PC 400LC-8 HEX 401 at PT. Hasnur Riung Sinergi site Rantau that caused the unit breakdown or cannot operate. The cause of troubleshooting to the unit Excavator PC 400LC-8 HEX 401 after doing the checking was the low Pressure Pump Control in Self Redusing Pressure Reducing Valve Self due Spool Valve jammed opened (clogging / congestion) and Spool scratched. Because the spool got jammed open then it caused the unit got trouble Low Speed All Attachment. The technique of collecting the data used field observation documentation methods such as photos and soft copydata Excavator PC 400LC-8 HEX 401 unit in order to completed the researcher’s final project. The technique of collecting the data used field observation documentation methods such as photos and soft copydata Excavator PC 400LC-8 HEX 401 unit in order to completed the researcher’s final project. Keywords :Hydraulic Systems, CLSS, Control Valve, Self Pressure Redusing Valve, Low Speed All Attachment, Spool Self Pressure Reducing Valve Jammed Open, Spool Self Pressure Reducing Valve scratch. Sistem hidrolik adalah suatu sistem pemindah tenaga dengan menggunakan zat cair atau fluida sebagai perantaranya. Dalam sebuah sistem hidrolik, terjadi perubahan tenaga hidrolik menjadi tenaga mekanis. Sebelum diubah menjadi tenaga mekanis, besar aliran, arah aliran dan besarnya tekanan di dalam sistem hidrolik harus diatur agar didapatkan tenaga mekanis yang terkontrol arah gerakannya, kecepatan gerakannya ataupun besarnya tenaganya. Pada sistem hidrolik terdapat komponen-komponen utama yaitu Hydraulic Tank, Hydraulic Pump, Control Valve, PPC, Control Lever, dan Actuator. Saat ini terdapat 2 jenis sistem hidrolik yang di kembangkan untuk dipakai di alat berat yaitu Open Center Load Sensing System (OLSS) dan Close Center Load Sensing System (CLSS). Pada unit Excavator PC 400LC–8 menggunakan sistem hidrolik Close Center Load Sensing System (CLSS). Saat penulis melakukan on the job training (OJT) di PT United Tractors site Rantau, penulis menemukan kerusakan pada unit Excavator PC 400LC–8 HEX 401 di PT. Hasnur Riung Sinergi site Rantau yang menyebabkan unit tersebut mengalami breakdown atau tidak dapat beroperasi. Penyebab terjadinya kerusakan pada unit Excavator PC 400LC–8 HEX 401 setelah di lakukan pengecekan yaitu Control Pump Pressure terlalu rendah pada Self Pressure Redusing Valve dikarenakan Spool Self Reducing Valve jammed open (menyumbat/kemacetan) dan spool mengalami scratch (tergores). Karena spool mengalami jammed open maka menyebabkan unit tersebut mengalami trouble Low Speed All Attachment. Dalam upaya pengumpulan data-data penulis melakukan metode observasi lapangan dan dokumentasi seperti foto-foto dan data-data soft copy unit Excavator PC 400LC–8 HEX 401 untuk melengkapi penyusunan tugas akhir sang penulis.

Keyword : Sistem Hidrolik, CLSS, Control Valve, Self Pressure Redusing Valve, Low Speed All Attachment, Spool Self Pressure Reducing Valve Jammed Open, Spool Self Pressure Reducing Valve Scartch.

Nilai Properti
: MUHAMMAD UTAMA REZZA PAHLEVI, : 140309236491, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2017, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Wahyu Anhar, S.T., M.Eng.

Dr. Hadi Hermansyah, S.Si., M.Si.
