Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
This study uses waste plastic bottles high density polyethelene (HDPE) as an added ingredient for concrete mix. The purpose of this study to get the value of compressive strength of normal concrete added ingredients in the mixture. With 1%, 3%, and 5% added variation, using material samboja sand and palu gravel. Test object used 24 samples with each variation of 3 pieces, in details : BNR-0% (Normal Concrete), TBH-1% (Concrete with 1% added material), TBH-3% (Concrete with addition of HDPE Bottle 3%), TBH-5% (Concrete with 5% added material) of the weight of cement. HDPE bottle cut in plan form (p = 50 mm), (l = 3 mm), Mixing Methods Added every 3 layers according to the height of the cylinder given added ingredients and then compacted with an iron rod. Testing performed 14 and 28 days. With the concrete K-175 quality plan, the concrete mixing method uses this SNI-03-2834-2000. From the test results obtained the average compressive strength of concrete on the concrete age of 14 days with a code of concrete is BNR-0% : 20.588 Mpa, TBH-1% : 19.516 Mpa, TBH-3% : 21.446 Mpa, TBH-5% : 18.658 Mpa. At the age of 28 days BNR-0% : 21.892 Mpa, TBH-1% : 26.421 Mpa, TBH-3% : 23.968 Mpa, TBH-5% : 18.684 Mpa. As for the result of increase of compressive strength of each concrete average TBH-1%/14 : -5.49%, TBH-1%/28 : 17.14%, TBH-3%/14 : 4.00%, TBH-3%/28 : 8.66%, TBH-5%/14 : -10.34%, and TBH-5%/28 : -17.17%, from normal concrete. Penelitian ini menggunakan limbah botol plastik high density polyethelene (HDPE) sebagai bahan tambah unuk campuran beton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan nilai kuat tekan beton normal yang diberi bahan tambahan dalam campuran. Dengan variasi tambahan 1%, 3%, dan 5% menggunakan material pasir Samboja dan kerikil Palu. Benda Uji yang diguakan sebanyak 24 buah sampel dengan masing-masing variasi 3 buah, dengan rincian BNR-0% (Beton Normal), TBH-1% (Beton dengan bahan tambah 1%), TBH-3% (Beton dengan penambahan Botol HDPE 3%), TBH-5% ( Beton dengan bahan tambah 5%) dari berat semen. Botol HDPE di potong sesuai rencana bentuk (p = 50 mm), (l =3 mm), Metode Pencampuran Bahan tambah setiap 3 lapis sesuai tinggi sillinder diberi bahan tambah lalu dipadatkan dengan tongkat besi. Pengujian dilakukan 14 dan 28 hari. Dengan rencana mutu beton K-175, metode pencampuran beton menggunakan SNI-03-2834-2000.. Dari hasil Pengujian didapatkan rata-rata kuat tekan beton pada beton umur 14 hari dengan Kode BNR-0%/14 20.588 Mpa, TBH-1%/14 19.516 Mpa, TBH-3%/14 21.446 Mpa, TBH-5%/14 18.658 Mpa. Diumur 28 hari BNR-0%/28 21.892 Mpa, TBH-1%/28 26.421 Mpa, TBH-3%/28 23.968 Mpa, TBH-5%/28 18.684 Mpa. Adapun hasil peningkatan kuat tekan rata-rata beton masing-masing TBH-1%/14 -5.49%, TBH-1%/28 17.14%, TBH-3%/14 4.00%, TBH-3%/28 8.66%, TBH-5%/14 -10.34%, dan TBH-5%/28 -17.17%. Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Normal.

Keyword : HDPE, Kuat Tekan, Beton Normal

Nilai Properti
: DIYAH RATNA SARI, : 140309240792, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TEKNIK SIPIL, : 2017, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Drs. Sunarno, M.Eng.

Dr. Emil Azmanajaya, S.T., M.T.
