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Abstrak (Abstracts)
In the excavator there are many systems that are used, one of them is fuel system. Fuel system serves to provide and supply high-pressure fuel into the cylinder. If there is damage in the fuel system one of the consequences caused by the lack of fuel supply will make the down time on the unit will be high. Based on field studies during On Job Training at PT. United Tractors Bontang site, the researcher saw there were problems that arise in the fuel system of excavators PC300 – 8 M0, especially in the lack of fuel supply. Therefore, the researcher are interested in conducting research that have aims to analyze the causes of the lack of fuel supply which results in engine low power on units of Komatsu PC 300 – 8 M0 excavators. This type of research is a field research has aim to determine the cause of the lack of fuel supply on the PC300 – 8 M0 fuel system excavator. The beginning of the problem is when the unit is digging and loading at the disposal suddenly Rpm on the engine goes down. When did the tested by using of the unit stalled and the monitor shows Rpm on the engine only 1000 Rpm while the standard in the manual shop should be if the Rpm engine stall position unit is in the range of 1900 Rpm and abnormal log checking the Rail Pressure Low Error. Therefore the cause of the problem is the problem on the fuel system so that fuel supply to the combustion chamber was reduced. The lack of fuel supply was due to the filling of fuel in open areas in the disposal area without seeing the surrounding dirty condition so that the large potential of particle entry into the fuel tank is in periodic filling. It made the fuel difficult to pass through the pre fuel filter caused by the filtered particles to accumulate and inhibit the flow of fuel to the supply pump. To anticipate this happening again, it was necessary to pay attention to the surroundings before filling the fuel, avoided more polluted places such as the disposal area in order to avoid dust entering the fuel tank. Keywords : fuel, fuel supply, fuel system, unit excavator Pada excavator terdapat banyak sistem yang digunakan salah satunya adalah fuel system. Fuel system berfungsi menyediakan dan mensuplai bahan bakar bertekanan tinggi ke dalam silinder. Bila terjadi kerusakan dalam fuel system salah satu akibat yang ditimbulkan yaitu minimnya fuel supply ini akan membuat down time pada unit akan tinggi. Berdasarkan studi lapangan selama On Job Training di PT. United Tractors site Bontang, penulis melihat ada permasalahan yang timbul pada fuel system excavator PC 300 – 8 M0, terutama pada minimnya fuel supply. Oleh karena itu penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisa penyebab minimnya fuel supply yang mengakibatkan engine low power pada unit excavator Komatsu PC 300 – 8 M0. Jenis penelitian ini adalah field research yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab minimnya fuel supply pada fuel system excavator PC300 – 8 M0. Awal mula masalahnya tersebut adalah saat unit melakukan digging dan loading di disposal tiba – tiba Rpm pada engine turun. Saat dilakukan pengujian dengan cara unit di stall kan dan pada monitor menunjukan Rpm pada engine hanya 1000 Rpm sedangkan standard yang ada pada shop manual seharusnya jika unit posisi stall Rpm engine di kisaran 1900 Rpm dan dilakukan pengecekkan log abnormal terjadi Rail Pressure Low Error. Jadi penyebab permasalahan adalah bermasalahnya pada fuel system sehingga suplai bahan bakar menuju ruang bakar berkurang. Minimnya fuel supply dikarenakan pengisian fuel pada area terbuka didaerah disposal tanpa melihat keadaan sekitar yang kotor sehingga potensi besar masuknya partikel ke dalam fuel tank dalam pengisian yang dilakukan periodik. Hal inilah yang membuat fuel sulit melewati pre fuel filter yang disebabkan oleh partikel yang disaring tersebut menumpuk dan menghambat aliran fuel ke supply pump. Untuk mengantisipasi hal ini terjadi kembali perlu di perhatikan tempat sekeliling sebelum mengisi fuel, hindari tempat yang berpolusi lebih seperti daerah disposal agar menghindari debu masuk ke fuel tank. Kata kunci : fuel, fuel supply, fuel system, unit excavator

Keyword : fuel, fuel supply, fuel system, unit excavator

Nilai Properti
: BOBBY RAHMATULLAH , : 150309262991, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2018, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Subur Mulyanto, S.Pd., M.T.

Mohamad Amin, S.Pd.T., M.PFis.
