Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Warning engine oil level on PC200-7 panel monitor (while engine oil level in abnormal state or below low) only blinking lamp and there is not sound warning. Then when the engine is running, the warning light will off even though the engine oil level is still below low. This condition allows the operator doesn’t notice the caution lamp, so that operators potentially remain starting engine. This may the result in a lack of circulating lubrication supplied to the engine resulting in excessive wear and if it happened continuously, it will be more severe engine damage. To overcome these problems, the researcher is interested to create a safety device that can provide a warning to the operator in the form of sound buzzer and display text on the LCD screen so that operators can check the engine oil level and add oil if necessary. In addition, the relay will disconnect the starting system so that the engine can not be started, and the engine can only be started if the oil level is up to the minimum limit. To make safety device engine oil level PC200-7 required Arduino UNO as microcontroller, while the input was engine oil level switch and the output were buzzer, relay, and LCD. The stage of making the safety device started from designing electrical systems used Proteus ISIS and Fritzing software, then designed the casing using Autocad 2007 software. The researcher made the safety device in accordance with the design that has been made and to Arduino programming used Arduino IDE software. Testing tool did in 2 ways that was using simulator and test directly on PC200-7. After testing, the results were in suitable with the expected standard so that it could be concluded that the safety device could work and work well. With the installation of safety device engine oil level could prevent engine damage more severe, so the maintenance costs were lower. Keywords: Arduino, engine, engine oil level, excavator, and safety device. Peringatan engine oil level pada monitor panel PC200-7 (ketika engine oil level dalam keadaan abnormal atau di bawah low) hanya berupa lampu yang berkedip dan tidak ada peringatan suara. Kemudian ketika engine running, lampu peringatan tersebut akan mati walaupun engine oil level masih di bawah low. Kondisi seperti ini memungkinkan operator tidak memperhatikan lampu peringatan tersebut, sehingga operator berpotensi tetap menstarter engine. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kurangnya suplai pelumasan yang bersirkulasi pada engine sehingga dapat terjadi keausan yang berlebihan dan apabila terus menerus maka akan terjadi kerusakan engine yang lebih parah. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka penulis tertarik untuk membuat safety device yang dapat memberikan peringatan kepada operator berupa suara buzzer dan tampilan text pada layar LCD agar operator memeriksa engine oil level dan menambahkan oli bila perlu. Selain itu relay akan memutuskan starting system agar engine tidak dapat distart, dan engine hanya bisa di-start apabila oil level di atas batas minimum. Untuk membuat safety device engine oil level PC200-7 membutuhkan Arduino UNO sebagai mikrokontroler, sedangkan input-nya engine oil level switch dan output-nya adalah buzzer, relay, dan LCD. Adapun tahap pembuatan safety device dimulai dari merancang sistem elektrik menggunakan software Proteus ISIS dan Fritzing, lalu perancangan casing menggunakan software Autocad 2007. Penulis melakukan pembuatan alat sesuai dengan design yang telah dibuat dan melakukan pemprograman Arduino menggunakan software Arduino IDE. Pengujian alat dilakukan dengan 2 cara yaitu menggunakan simulator dan pengujian secara langsung pada PC200-7. Setelah dilakukan pengujian, hasilnya sesuai dengan standard yang diharapkan sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa safety device dapat berfungsi dan bekerja dengan baik. Dengan pemasangan safety device engine oil level dapat mencegah kerusakan engine yang lebih parah, sehingga biaya perawatan lebih rendah.. Kata kunci : Arduino, engine, engine oil level, excavator, dan safety device.

Keyword : Arduino, engine, engine oil level, excavator, and safety device.

Nilai Properti
: RONY DARMAWAN, : 150309261791, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2018, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Drs. Syaeful Akbar, M.T.

Randis, S.T., M.T.
