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Abstrak (Abstracts)
When the researcher did on the job training (OJT) at PT. United Tractors site Batu Licin, the researcher found a problem that occurred in komatsu grader GD825A-2 unit that was engine lacks out-put at PT. Jhonlin Baratama site Sungai Dua that caused the unit could not operate and it could harm the company. This made the researcher interested to find the cause of the problem. Thedata analysis ware are done by observation method which was to observe directly the problems that occurred in GD825A-2 unit, by performing dust indicator air cleaner, and measurement blow by engine, engine RPM, and oil machine sampling. The researcher also took the data by documentation of collecting PAP data of engine oil, Emergency Trouble Report (EIR), daily breakdown, and hystorical unit. Besides to photos when conducted checks or measurements. The researcher also interviewed directly with the operator to find out what trouble was happened. When identifying the problem, it was known that the unit experienced engine lacks out-put and frequent oil additions. Based on the examination data, the measurement and results of PAP data indicate that high engine oil consumption was caused by oil wasted through the breather hose because the blow by pressure was too high so that the engine oil in the cyilinder block is pushed out through the hose air breather. The height of the blow by engine was caused by compression leakage caused by extreme wear of the piston ring and liner due to the entry of dust into the engine which then damaged the engine components. It was caused it did not carry out maintenance according to the standard that the air cleaner was not replaced for more than one year. In addition, when examined the condition of the dirty air cleaner both the outer and inner elements, the seal washer was stiff and worn and the inner element nut loose so there was a gap where dust could enter the system without being filtered at all which could cause extreme wear on the inner engine parts. Based on the above discussion, it could be concluded that engine lacks out-put was caused by dust into the system because it did not change the air cleaner for less than one year, thus damaging the inner parts of the engine components caused high blow by and increasing the compression pressure so that engine rpm could not reach the standard. In order for the problems would not happen anymore, the modification was done by adding a sponge to the filter water so that dust filtering was expected to be better. Then, there needs to be special attention when performing periodic maintenance at 250 hour intervals to check, clean and change according to OMM GD825A-2. Saat penulis melakukan on the job training (OJT) di PT. United Tractors siteBatu Licin, penulis menemukan masalah yang terjadi pada unit Komatsu Grader GD825A-2 yaitu engine lacks out-put di PT. Jhonlin Baratama site Sungai Dua yang menyebabkan unit tidak beroperasi sehinggga dapat merugikan perusahaan. Hal ini yang membuat penulis tertarik untuk mencari dan menemukan penyebab masalah tersebut.Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi yaitu melakukan pengamatan langsung permasalahan yang terjadi pada unit GD825A-2, dengan melakukan pemeriksaan dust indicator, air cleaner, dan pengukuran blow by engine, RPM engine, serta pengambilan sampel oli mesin. Penulis juga mengambil data dengan dokumentasi yaitu mengumpulkan data PAP oli mesin, Emergency Trouble Report (ETR),daily breakdown, hystoricalunit. Selain itu mengambil foto. Pada saat melakukan pemeriksaan maupun pengukuran. Penulis juga melakukan wawancara langsung ke pada operator untuk mengetahui trouble yang sedang terjadi.Pada saat mengidentifikasi masalah, diketahui bahwa unit mengalami engine lacks out-put dan sering terjadi penambahan oli. Berdasarkan data hasil pemeriksaan, pengukuran dan hasil data PAP menunjukan bahwa konsumsi oli mesin tinggi di sebabkan oli terbuang melewati hose breather karena tekanan blow by yang terlalu tinggi sehingga oli mesinpada cyilinder blockterdorong ke luar melalui hose air breather. Tingginya blow by engine di sebabkan adanya kebocoran kompresi yang disebabkan keausan ekstrim dari ring piston dan liner karena masuknya debu kedalam engine yang kemudian merusak komponen dalam engine.Hal ini dikarenakantidak melakukan perawatan sesuai dengan standar yakni air clenaer tidak diganti kurang/lebih selama satu tahun. Selain itu pada saat pemeriksaan kondisi air cleaner kotor baik outer maupun inner element,sealwasher kaku dan aus dan nut inner element kendor sehingga ada celah dimana debu bisa masuk ke sistem tanpa tersaring sama sekali yang dapat menyebabkan keausan ekstrim pada inner part engine.Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan disimpulkan bahwa engine lacks out-put disebabkan oleh debu yang masuk kedalam sistem karena tidak melakukan pergantian air cleaner selama kurang/lebih satu tahun sehingga merusak komponen inner part engine yang menyebabkan blow by tinggi dan naiknya tekanan kompresi sehingga rpm engine tidak mencapai standar. Agar permasalahan yang sama tidak terulang kembali maka dilakukan modifikasi dengan menambah sponge pada air filter sehingga diharapkan penyaringan debu akan lebih baik. Kemudian perlu adanya perhatian khusus saat melakukan perawatan berkala interval 250 jam untuk melakukan pengecekan, pembersihan dan pergantian sesuai dengan OMM GD825A-2.

Keyword : Engine lacks out-put,Grader Komatsu GD825A-2, Maintenance

Nilai Properti
: OKTAVIAN MADA, : 150309264591, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2018, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Drs. Syaeful Akbar, M.T.

Mohamad Amin, S.Pd.T., M.PFis.
