Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
In the implementation of the project the availability of resources is very necessary because it affects the effectiveness and efficiency of both the cost and time of project implementation. Therefore, the contribution of heavy equipment to the implementation of the project is quite important and the cost of using heavy equipment is relatively expensive, so a good management is needed on the use of heavy equipment resources. The purpose of this study is to get the cost of renting and operating heavy equipment as well as choosing the number of efficient tools. in this research, analysis was carried out with the method of calculating tool productivity, equipment rental and operational costs, and calculating the selection of the use of a number of tools assessed in terms of cost and time more efficiently. The results of the calculation of analysis obtained the number of tools, rental and operational costs of the equipment and the more efficient time of work, that is excavators is 3 units with equipment rental costs of Rp162.196.048 and equipment operating costs of Rp121.635.294. Bulldozer is 3 units with equipment rental costs of Rp184,326,114 and and equipment operating costs of Rp129,568,937. Dump trucks is 11 units with equipment rental costs of Rp391.083.906 and equipment operating costs of Rp467.640.135. Motor graders are 1 unit with equipment rental costs of Rp85.245.432 and operating equipment costs of Rp57.189.770. A vibrator roller is 2 units with equipment rental costs of Rp103.686.628 and operating equipment costs of Rp71.232.949. Sheep foot roller is 1 unit with equipment rental costs of Rp64.804.262 and equipment operating costs of Rp71.232.949 with a work time of 32 working days, 18 days faster than the time of tool use in the field, which is 50 working days. Pada pelaksanaan proyek ketersediaan sumber daya sangat diperlukan karena mempengaruhi efektifitas dan efisiensi baik biaya maupun waktu pelaksanaan proyek. Oleh karena itu, kontribusi alat berat terhadap pelaksanaan proyek yang cukup penting serta biaya penggunaan alat berat yang relatif mahal, maka dibutuhkan suatu manajemen yang baik pada penggunaan sumber daya alat berat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan biaya sewa dan operasional alat berat serta pemilihan jumlah alat yang efisien. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan metode perhitungan produktivitas alat, biaya sewa dan operasional alat, serta menghitung pemilihan penggunaan jumlah alat yang dinilai dari segi biaya dan waktu yang lebih efisien. Hasil dari perhitungan analisis diperoleh jumlah alat, biaya sewa dan operasional alat serta waktu pekerjaan yang lebih efisisen yaitu excavator berjumlah 3 unit dengan biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp162.196.048 dan biaya operasional alat sebesar Rp121.635.294. Bulldozer berjumlah 3 unit dengan biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp184.326.114 dan biaya operasional alat sebesar Rp129.568.937. Dump truck berjumlah 11 unit dengan biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp391.083.906 dan biaya operasional alat sebesar Rp467.640.135. Motor grader berjumlah 1 unit dengan biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp85.245.432 dan biaya operasional alat sebesar Rp57.189.770. Vibrator roller berjumlah 2 unit dengan biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp103.686.628 dan biaya operasional alat sebesar Rp71.232.949. Sheep foot roller berjumlah 1 unit dengan biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp64.804.262 dan biaya operasional alat sebesar Rp71.232.949 dengan waktu pekerjaan selama 32 hari kerja, lebih cepat 18 hari dari waktu penggunaan alat di lapangan yaitu selama 50 hari kerja.

Keyword : productivity, rental costs, operational costs, efficiency

Nilai Properti
: RUSMINAH, : 922016026, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TEKNIK SIPIL, : 2019, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Ezra Hartarto Pongtuluran, S.T., M.Eng.

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