Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Hydraulic pump is one of the main components in hydraulic system of heavy equipment that serves to supply hydraulic oil to various components in hydraulic system. Damage to the hydraulic pump can reduce the performance of unit. This study aims to analyze the damage that occurs on hydraulic pump when the researcher carry out On Job Training at PT United Tractors, Tbk Cabang Samarinda. The method used in this research is data collection, such as oil analysis report, damage photo documentation, and Machine Condition Report (MCR). Photo of damage shows chipping on the surface of shoe plate due pounding and overload when the unit is being operated. Based on the oil analysis report, oil deterioration was caused by overload or overheat, which means the unit was often forced to work at high pressure for a long time. The steps taken to repair the hydraulic pump is to replace the whole set of shoe plate because the damage were severe, and then assemblying hydraulic pump. Testing was carried out after the hydraulic pump is assembled, which aims to ensure the hydraulic pump had been able to produce flow according to the standard. The results of testing on the test bench showed the hydraulic pump had been able to produce flow according to the standard. Hydraulic pump adalah salah satu komponen utama pada sistem hidrolik alat berat yang berfungsi mengalirkan oli hidrolik ke berbagai macam komponen di sistem hidrolik. Kerusakan pada hydraulic pump dapat menurunkan performa unit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kerusakan yang terjadi pada hydraulic pump saat penulis melaksanakan on job training di PT United Tractors, Tbk Cabang Samarinda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pengumpulan data, seperti data oil sampling, dokumentasi foto kerusakan, dan Machine Condition Report (MCR). Foto kerusakan menunjukkan permukaan shoe plate mengalami chipping akibat dari hentakan dan beban berlebih saat unit diopereasikan. Viskositas oli tidak normal karena oli telah rusak. Berdasarkan data oil sampling, oli rusak akibat dari overload atau overheat, yang berarti unit sering dipaksa bekerja pada tekanan tinggi dalam waktu yang lama. Langkah perbaikan yang dilakukan pada hydraulic pump adalah dengan mengganti shoe plate satu assy karena kerusakaannya sudah parah, kemudian melakukan proses assembly hydraulic pump. Pengetesan dilakukan setelah hydraulic pump di-assembly, yang bertujuan untuk memastikan hydraulic pump telah mampu menghasilkan flow yang sesuai standar. Hasil dari pengetesan pada test bench menunjukkan hydraulic pump mampu menghasilkan flow sesuai standar.

Keyword : Hydraulic Pump, Shoe Plate, Viscosity, Overload, Overheat

Nilai Properti
: ADAM YUNUS JULIANNOR, : 912016004, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2019, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Subur Mulyanto, S.Pd., M.T.

Basri Dahlan, S.Ag., M.Pd.I.
