Project’s Detail – IQAS POLTEKBA

Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Scania R580 is a model dump truck that serves to transport materials in the form of coal that are filled by excavators, wheel loaders, or shovels. Based on the field study during on the job training at PT. United Tractors, Tanjung Redeb site Binungan Kalimantan Timur, the researcher saw a lot of problems of low power engines caused due to the dead fuel filter. Ffuel used is biosolar/biodiesel B30. Biodiesel B30 is a mixed fuel 70% fossil diesel with 30% biodiesel. This study analyzed the characteristics of the B30 Bidiesel against low power engine problems due to block fuel filter. The method of this research used data collection and testing of B30 biodiesel fuel as much as 2 samples and 1 solar sample, the parameters to be measured are Sulphur Content, Ash Content, Carbon Residue, Density, Kinematic Viscosity, Flash Point PMcc, Water content, Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), Total Acid No, Gravity API, and Fuel Cleanlines Particle Count 4.6, and 14 micron. From the results of the fuel test analysis there were abnormal results in the fuel cleanliness parameters for the three samples, and in the sample 1 biodiesel B30 occured due to oxidation can acid content on the fuel was high enough. This is due to the break-off of the fatty acid methyl ester chain into fatty acids. The cause of the low power engine on Scania R580 due to its many impurities in biodiesel fuel B30, so that the fuel filter was deadlocked and the fuel supply to the cylinder was reduced. The immediate effect is low power. To avoid the same problems, special handling and care needed in the unit Scania R580 when using biodiesel fuel B30 appropriate shop manual book (multi) Scania, the need to flushing fuel tanks and flushing fuels to reduce the content of impurities on the fuel. Scania R580 adalah suatu model dump truck yang berfungsi mengangkut material berupa batu bara yang diisikan oleh excavator, wheel loader, ataupun shovel. Berdasarkan studi lapangan selama on the job training di PT. United Tractors, Tanjung Redeb site Binungan Kalimantan Timur, penulis melihat banyak nya permasalahan engine low power yang disebabkan akibat fuel filter buntu, fuel yang digunakan adalah biosolar/biodiesel B30. Biodiesel B30 merupakan bahan bakar campuran 70% diesel fosil dengan 30% biodiesel. Dalam penelitian ini, menganalisa karakteristik bidiesel B30 terhadap permasalahan engine low power akibat fuel filter buntu. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dan pengujian bahan bakar biodiesel B30 sebanyak 2 sample dan 1 sample solar, parameter yang akan diukur adalah Sulphur Content, Ash Content, Carbon Residue, Density, Kinematic Viscosity, Flash Point PMcc, Water content, Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), Total Acid No, Gravity API, dan Fuel Cleanlines Particle Count 4,6,and 14 micron. Dari hasil analisa pengujian bahan bakar terdapat hasil yang abnormal pada parameter fuel cleanliness untuk ketiga sample, dan pada sample 1 biodiesel B30 terjadi degradasi akibat oksidasi shingga kandungan acid pada bahan bakar cukup tinggi, hal ini disebabkan oleh putusnya rantai asam lemak metil ester menjadi asam-asam lemak. Penyebab engine low power pada Scania R580 dikarenakan banyak nya kandungan pengotor pada bahan bakar biodiesel B30, sehingga fuel filter buntu dan supai fuel menuju cylinder menjadi berkurang, efek langsungnya adalah low power. Untuk menghindari permasalahan yang sama dibutuhkan penanganan dan perawatan khusus pada unit Scania R580 saat menggunakan bahan bakar biodiesel B30 sesuai shop manual book (multi) Scania, perlunya melakukan flushing fuel tank dan flushing fuel agar menurunkan kandungan pengotor pada fuel.

Keyword : Scania R580, Biodiesel B30, Low Power

Nilai Properti
: AHMAD ROMADHONI, : 912017048, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : ALAT BERAT, : 2020, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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