Project’s Detail – IQAS POLTEKBA

Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Assessment of bank health has an effect because the bank is trusted to manage public money, in assessing the health of a bank it can be seen from several aspects to ensure that the bank is in a healthy condition or not. This study aims to determine the level of bank soundness at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk for the period 2015– 2019 by using the RGEC (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning and Capital) aspects. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. Data sources are taken from the annual report (annual report) of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk for the period 2015 – 2019. Risk Profile is measured using two indicators, namely credit risk with Non Performing Loans (NPL) and liquidity risk with a Loan to Deposit Ratio. (LDR). Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is measured using the results of the self- assessment (self assessment). Earning is measured by the ratio of Return on Assets (ROA) and Net Interest Margin (NIM) and Capital is measured using the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). The results of research at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk for the period 2015 show that the bank is very healthy, in terms of the Risk Profile aspect which includes an NPL ratio of 2.02 and an LDR of 86.88%, on the aspect of Good Corporate Governance it scores 1.17. for the Earnings aspect which includes ROA of 4.19% and NIM of 8.13% and Capital includes a CAR ratio of 20.59%. In 2016, it showed that the bank was very healthy, in terms of the Risk Profile aspect with an NPL ratio of 2.03% and an LDR of 87.77%, on the Good Corporate Governance aspect it scored 2, for the Earnings ROA aspect of 3.84% and NIM 8, 00% and Capital includes a CAR ratio of 22.91%. In 2017, it shows that the bank is very healthy, in terms of the Risk Profile aspect, the NPL ratio is 2.10% and LDR 88.13%, on the Good Corporate Governance aspect it gets a score of 2, for the Earnings ROA aspect of 3.69% and NIM 7, 93% and Capital includes a CAR ratio of 22.96%. In 2018, it showed that the bank was very healthy, in terms of the Risk Profile aspect, the NPL ratio was 2.14% and LDR 89.57%, on the Good Corporate Governance aspect it scored 2, for the Earnings ROA aspect of 3.68% and NIM of 7.45 % and Capital includes a CAR ratio of 21.21%. In 2019, it showed that the bank was very healthy, in terms of the Risk Profile aspect, the NPL ratio was 2.62% and LDR 88.64%, on the Good Corporate Governance aspect it scored 2, for the Earnings ROA aspect of 3.50% and NIM of 6.98 % and Capital includes a CAR ratio of 22.55%. The researcher concludes that PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in the 2015-2019 period, seen from the RGEC aspect, is in 1st place in the "Very Healthy" category. Keywords: Bank soundness, risk profile, good corporate governance, earnings, and capital, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Penilaian kesehatan bank berpengaruh dikarenakan bank dipercaya untuk mengelola uang masyarakat, dalam menilai suatu kesehatan bank bisa dilihat dari beberapa aspek untuk memastikan bank dalam kondisi sehat atau tidak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesehatan bank pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk periode 2015–2019 dengan menggunakan aspek RGEC (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning dan Capital) Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskritif kuantitatif. Sumber data yang diambil dari laporan tahunan (annual report) PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk periode 2015 – 2019. Risk Profile diukur dengan menggunakann dua indikator yaitu risiko kredit dengan Non Performing Loan (NPL) dan risiko likuiditas dengan rasio Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dikur dengan menggunakan hasil penilaian sendiri (self assessment). Earning diukur dengan rasio Return on Asset (ROA) dan Net Interest Margin (NIM) dan Capital diukur dengan menggunakan rasio Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). Hasil penelitian pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk periode 2015 menunjukkan bahwa bank sangat sehat, ditinjau dari aspek Risk Profile yang mencakup rasio NPL sebesar 2,02 dan LDR 86,88%, pada aspek Good Corporate Governance mendapatkan nilai 1,17, untuk aspek Earnings yang mencakup ROA sebesar 4,19% dan NIM 8,13% dan Capital mencakup rasio CAR sebesar 20,59%. Pada tahun 2016 menunjukkan bahwa bank sangat sehat, ditinjau dari aspek Risk Profile dengan rasio NPL 2,03% dan LDR 87,77%, pada asepek Good Corporate Governance mendapatkan nilai 2, untuk aspek Earnings ROA sebesar 3,84% dan NIM 8,00% dan Capital mencakup rasio CAR sebesar 22,91%. Pada tahun 2017 menunjukkan bahwa bank sangat sehat, ditinjau dari aspek Risk Profile rasio NPL 2,10% dan LDR 88,13%, pada asepek Good Corporate Governance mendapatkan nilai 2, , untuk aspek Earnings ROA sebesar 3,69% dan NIM 7,93% dan Capital mencakup rasio CAR sebesar 22,96%. Pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan bahwa bank sangat sehat, ditinjau dari aspek Risk Profile rasio NPL 2,14% dan LDR 89,57%, pada asepek Good Corporate Governance mendapatkan nilai 2, untuk aspek Earnings ROA sebesar 3,68% dan NIM 7,45% dan Capital mencakup rasio CAR sebesar 21,21%. Pada tahun 2019 menunjukkan bahwa bank sangat sehat, ditinjau dari aspek Risk Profile rasio NPL 2,62% dan LDR 88,64%, pada asepek Good Corporate Governance mendapatkan nilai 2, untuk aspek Earnings ROA sebesar 3,50% dan NIM 6,98% dan Capital mencakup rasio CAR sebesar 22,55%. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk pada periode 2015-2019 dilihat dari aspek RGEC berada pada peringkat 1 dengan kategori “Sangat Sehat”. Kata Kunci: Tingkat kesehatan bank, risk profile, good corporate governance, earnings, dan capital, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

Keyword : Bank soundness, risk profile, good corporate governance, earnings, and capital, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

Nilai Properti
: RIZKA AMELIA RAHMADANI, : 962017051, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN, : 2020, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Saiful Ghozi, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Nurul Musfirah Khairiyah, S.E., M.M.

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