Pengungkapan Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility Berdasarkan ISO 26000:2010 Terhadap PT.Pegadaian (Persero) Periode 2018
Abstrak (Abstracts)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a reference for good CSR practices to be implemented by PT.Pegadaian (Persero) in accordance with ISO 26000: 2010. This global guide has become the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). With the name SNI ISO 26000 in 2013, so that it can be used as a reference for national companies, especially by PT.Pegadaian (Persero). There are 7 core things in ISO 26000 that need to be done by PT. Pegadaian (Persero), namely Organizational governance, Human rights, Labor practices, The environment, Fair operating practices, Consumer issues, and Community involvement and development. A company does not have to carry out all of these core subjects, but is tailored to the needs and conditions of the company. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. Sources of data taken from the 2018 Sustainability Report of PT. Pegadaian (Persero). The results of research at PT.Pegadaian (Persero) show the application of Corporate Social Responsibility based on ISO 26000: 2010, PT.Pegadaian (Persero) based on The Environment, PT.Pegadaian (Persero) runs environmental programs by protecting the environment and inviting the community in order to keep the environment clean. Based on Organizational Governance, the role of the Board of Directors of the Company is to prevent the company from political and administrative corruption and to oversee company reports and provide opinions and explanations to the GMS. Based on Human Rights (Human Rights), PT.Pegadaian (Persero) provides employees with a basic salary that is in accordance with the position. Based on Labor Practice, PT.Pegadaian (Pesero) provides work safety by implementing company K3 properly so that employees can work comfortably, safely and focused. Based on the Fair Community Invitation and Development (Community Development) in community development, PT.Pegadaian carries out social responsibility which is divided into several sectors, namely: the industrial sector, the trade sector, the agricultural sector, the livestock sector, the plantation sector, the fisheries sector, the service sector which spends funds of Rp128.57 billion. Based on Consumer Issues (Consumer Issues), PT.Pegadaian (Persero) measures the level of customer satisfaction by using a physical approach by cashiers, CS, security guards and then measured by the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) method, which measures the level of customer satisfaction by comparing company services. with the wishes of the customer. Based on Fair Operating Procedures, PT. Pegadaian (Persero) applies this procedure by saving energy and protecting the environment so as not to harm employees and the community, namely by reducing the use of Test Water, Paper, Energy, Water. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, ISO 26000: 2010, PT. Pegadaian (Persero), Organizational governance, Human right, Labor practices, The environment, Fair operating practices, Consumer issues, and Community involvement and development, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mempunyai salah satu acuan untuk praktik CSR yang baik untuk dilaksanakan oleh PT.Pegadaian (Persero) yang sesuai dengan ISO 26000:2010. Panduan global ini telah menjadi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Dengan nama SNI ISO 26000 pada tahun 2013, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan nasional, khususnya oleh PT.Pegadaian (Persero). Terdapat 7 hal inti didalam ISO 26000 yang perlu dilakukan oleh PT.Pegadaian (Persero), yaitu Organizational governance, Human right, Labor practices, The environment, Fair operating practices, Consumer issues, dan Comunnity involvement and development. Suatu perusahaan tidak harus melaksanakan semua subyek inti tersebut, tetapi disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi perusahaan. Jenis Penelitian adalah Deskriptif Kuantitatif. Sumber data yang diambil dari Sustanbility Report PT.Pegadaian (Persero) Periode 2018. Hasil penelitian pada PT.Pegadaian (Persero) menunjukan penerapan dari Corporate Social Responsibility yang berdasarkan ISO 26000:2010, PT.Pegadaian (Persero) berdasarkan The Environment (Lingkungan), PT.Pegadaian (Persero) menjalankan program lingkungan dengan menjaga lingkungan dan mengundang masyarakat agar menjaga kebersihan lingkungan hidup. Berdasarkan Organizational Governance (Tata Kelola Organisasi), peranan Pimpinan Direksi Perusahaan agar perusahaan terhindar dari korupsi politik maupun administrative dan mengawasi laporan perusahaan serta memberi pendapat dan penjelasan kepada para RUPS. Berdasarkan Human Right ( Hak Asasi Manusia), PT.Pegadaian(Persero) memberikan karyawan dengan gaji pokok yang sudah sesuai dengan Jabatan. Berdasarkan Labour Practice (Praktek Ketenagakerjaan), PT.Pegadaian (Pesero) memberikan keselamatan kerja dengan menerapkan K3 perusahaan dengan baik agar karywan dapat bekerja dengan nyaman, aman dan fokus. Berdasarkan Fair Community Invlovement and Development (Pengembangan Masyarakat) dalam pengembangan masyarakat PT.Pegadaian melalukan tanggung jawab sosial yang dibagi beberapa sektor yaitu: Sektor industri, sektor perdagangan, sektor pertanian, sektor perternakan, sektor perkebunan, sektor perikanan, sektor jasa yang mengeluarkan dana sebesar Rp128,57 Miliar. Berdasarkan Consumer Issues (Isu Konsumen), PT.Pegadaian (Persero) mengukur tingkat kepuasan nasabah dengan menggunakan pendekatan fisik yang dilakukan oleh Kasir, CS, Satpam dan kemudian diukur dengan metode CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) yaitu mengukur tingkat kepuasan nasabah dengan membandingkan layanan perusahaan dengan keinginan nasabah. Berdasarkan Fair Operating Procedures (Prosedur Operasi Wajar), PT.Pegadaian (Persero) dalam menerapan prosedur ini dengan cara menghemat energi dan menjaga lingkungan agar tidak merugikan karywan dan masyarakat yaitu dengan cara mengurangi pemakaian Air Uji, Kertas, Energi, Air. Kata kunci : Corporate Social Responsibility, ISO 26000:2010, PT. Pegadaian (Persero), Organizational governance, Human right, Labor practices, The environment, Fair operating practices, Consumer issues, dan Comunnity involvement and development ,Keyword : Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, ISO 26000: 2010, PT. Pegadaian (Persero), Organizational governance, Human right, Labor practices, The environment, Fair operating practices, Consumer issues, and Community involvement and development,