Abstrak (Abstracts)
The truss construction is an arrangement of trusses that serves to support the roof load including its own weight, as well as to give shape to the roof. One of the materials used is steel. Castellated steel is considered to meet three requirements in designing a building structure, as strength, economy, and aesthetics. The purpose of this study was to find the optimal cutting angle in terms of bending strength and shear strength. By first conducting a literature study, continued with data collection and ending with analyzing the data. The gable frame model with a span of 10 m, and a roof slope is 25° and the use of SAP2000 to support the calculation of forces in the trunk. In the end, further research was carried out on hexagonal castellated steel with a variation of the opening angle in multiples of 5°, starting from 30°-70°. From the results of the research, the dimensions of WF steel are, hexagonal castellated steel 375.125.6.9 with bending stress values for each angle variation are 30° angle = 100,03 N/mm2, 35° = 95,94 N/mm2, 40° = 93,28 N/mm2, 45° = 91,48 N/mm2, 50° = 90,25 N/mm2, 55° = 89,41 N/mm2, 60° = 88,89 N/mm2, 65° = 88,70 N/mm2, 70° = 88,91 N/mm2 and the value of the shear stress for each angle variation are 30° angle = 86,56 N/mm2, 35° = 88,21 N/mm2, 40° = 87,36 N/mm2, 45° = 84,33 N/mm2, 50° = 79,41 N/mm2, 55° = 72,86 N/mm2, 60° = 64,92 N/mm2, 65° = 55,82 N/mm2, 70° = 45,77 N/mm2, and the optimal angle is at the 30° angle. Konstruksi kuda-kuda adalah susunan rangka batang yang berfungsi mendukung beban atap termasuk juga beratnya sendiri, sekaligus dapat memberikan bentuk pada atap. Salah satu bahan yang digunakan ialah baja. Baja castellated dinilai memenuhi tiga syarat dalam melakukan desain struktur bangunan, yaitu kekuatan, ekonomis, dan estetika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan sudut potong yang optimal apabila ditinjau dari kuat lentur dan kuat gesernya. Dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan studi literatur, dilanjutkan pengumpulan data dan berakhir pada menganalisis data. Sebuah permodelan gable frame dengan bentang 10 m, dan kemiringan atap 25° serta penggunaan SAP2000 untuk menunjang perhitungan gaya dalam batang. Pada akhirnya penelitian lebih lanjut baja hexagonal castellated dengan variasi sudut bukaan kelipatan 5° yang dimulai dari 30°-70°. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh dimensi baja WF, baja hexagonal castellated 375.125.6.9 dengan nilai tegangan lentur untuk masing-masing variasi sudut yaitu sudut 30° = 100,03 N/mm2, 35° = 95,94 N/mm2, 40° = 93,28 N/mm2, 45° = 91,48 N/mm2, 50° = 90,25 N/mm2, 55° = 89,41 N/mm2, 60° = 88,89 N/mm2, 65° = 88,70 N/mm2, 70° = 88,91 N/mm2 dan nilai tegangan geser untuk masing-masing variasi sudut yaitu sudut 30° = 86,56 N/mm2, 35° = 88,21 N/mm2, 40° = 87,36 N/mm2, 45° = 84,33 N/mm2, 50° = 79,41 N/mm2, 55° = 72,86 N/mm2, 60° = 64,92 N/mm2, 65° = 55,82 N/mm2, 70° = 45,77 N/mm2, menghasilkan sudut optimal adalah pada sudut 30°.Keyword : hexagonal castellated steel, WF steel, variation angle, roof truss