Project’s Detail – IQAS POLTEKBA

Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Hotel is an institution that provides guests to stay, where everyone can stay, eat, drink and enjoy other facilities by making payment transactions. This year, the hotel experienced the spread of a virus pandemic called Covid-19 (Corona Virusdisease). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the government must act decisively to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Because of the impact that has been faced so far has spread to all corners of Indonesia and hotels are also receiving the impact. Therefore, the impact of Covid-19 on the performance of room attendants must be in accordance with the health protocols implemented by the hotel when serving . This study aims to provide room attendant services to quarantine guests during the covid-19 pandemic at the Ibis Balikpapan Hotel, how to handle quarantine guests during the covid-19 pandemic at the Ibis Balikpapan Hotel and the impact of Covid-19 on the performance of room attendants at the Ibis Balikpapan Hotel by using qualitative research methods and using observational data analysis techniques, interviews and documentation conducted at the Ibis Balikpapan Hotel which will be discussed so that it could get the conclusions. The results showed that quarantine guests were not allowed to have direct physical contact with hotel staff or employees, but to handle quarantine guests they must also be equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and also supervised by supervisors if they have not used PPE. During this pandemic, hotel staff/employees must always follow the applicable health protocols. The work performance of the room attendant must be in accordance with the health protocol that is complied with in the Ibis Balikpapan Hotel SOP. Room Attendants who are in charge of keeping quarantine guests must work 24 hours using complete PPE. Keywords: Hotel, Covid- 19, Quarantine guests, Work Perfomance, Impact, PPE Hotel adalah suatu lembaga yang menyediakan para tamu untuk menginap, dimana setiap orang dapat menginap, makan, minum dan menikmati fasilitas yang lainnya dengan melakukan transaksi pembayaran. Tahun ini, hotel mengalami penyebaran wabah virus yang bernama Covid- 19 (Corona Virus disease). Akibat mewabahnya Covid- 19 ini, pemerintah harus bertindak tegas untuk menekan penyebaran wabah Covid- 19. Karena dampak yang dihadapi sampai saat ini meyebar ke seluruh penjuru Indonesia dan hotel juga menerima dampaknya. Oleh karena itu dampak Covid- 19 terhadap kinerja room attendant harus sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan yang diterapkan pada hotel pada saat menangani tamu karantina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pelayanan room attendant pada tamu karantina dalam masa pandemi Covid- 19 di Hotel Ibis Balikpapan, cara menangani tamu karantina pada masa pandemi Covid- 19 di Hotel Ibis Balikpapan dan dampak Covid- 19 terhadap kinerja room attendant di Hotel Ibis Balikpapan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teknis analisis data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan di Hotel Ibis Balikpapan yang akan dilakukan diskusi sehingga dapat dijadikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tamu karantina tidak boleh berkontak fisik langsung pada staf hotel atau karyawan, namun untuk menangani tamu karantina juga harus dilengkapi dengan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan dipantau juga oleh supervisor ketika belum menggunakan APD tersebut. Dimasa pandemi ini staf/karyawan hotel harus selalu mengikuti protokol kesehatan yang berlaku pada saat ini. Kinerja kerja room attendant harus sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan yang dijalani pada SOP Hotel Ibis Balikpapan. Room Attendant yang incharge pada saat menjaga tamu karantina harus bekerja selama 24 jam dengan menggunakan APD yang lengkap. Kata Kunci: Hotel, Covid- 19, Tamu Karantina, Kinerja Kerja, Dampak, APD

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Nilai Properti
: MUHAMMAD ZAINUL MUTTAQIN, : 952018015, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : DIVISI KAMAR, : 2021, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Tri Retno Nugroho, S.Pd.

Abdul Gafur, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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