Abstrak (Abstracts)
Marliana, Addition of Sango-Sango Seaweed (Gracilaria Sp) As A Mixture In Making Cork Fish Meatballs (Channa Striata). Final Project, Balikpapan State Polytechnic Catering Study Program, 2021. This study aims to determine: 1) Process for processing snakehead fish balls with the addition of sango-sango seaweed (Gracilaria sp). 2) To determine the level of consumer preference for the color, texture, and taste of snakehead fish balls with the addition of sango-sango seaweed (Gracilaria sp). 3) To determine the quality level of color, texture, and taste in snakehead fish balls with the addition of sango-sango type seaweed (Gracilaria sp). The research conducted was an experiment and organoleptic test using 25 moderately trained panelists. The collected data were analyzed by statistical and descriptive, the highest average results obtained from the hedonic test of the color aspect with a value of (4.44) which stated that they liked the color of the seaweed cork fish ball, the texture aspect with a value of (4.32) which stated that they liked the texture of the grass snakehead fish ball. sea, and the taste aspect with a value of (4.36) which stated that they liked the taste of the seaweed cork fish ball.In the hedonic quality test the highest average results obtained in the color aspect (4.20) stated that the color was quite grayish white, the texture aspect ( 3.84) stated that it was quite chewy and soft, and the taste aspect (4.08) stated that it was quite savory. It was concluded that the results of the hedonic test and hedonic quality test stated that the product is quite grayish white in color, has a fairly chewy texture, and has a savory taste. Keywords: Snakehead Fish Meatballs, Sango-sango Seaweed, hedonic test, hedonic quality test Marliana, Penambahan Rumput Laut Sango-Sango (Gracilaria Sp) Sebagai Bahan Campuran Dalam Pembuatan Bakso Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata). Tugas Akhir, Program Studi Tata Boga Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, 2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Proses pengolahan bakso ikan gabus dengan penambahan rumput laut jenis sango-sango (Gracilaria sp). 2) Untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan konsumen dari warna, tekstur, dan rasa pada bakso ikan gabus dengan penambahan rumput laut jenis sango-sango (gracilaria sp). 3) Untuk mengetahui tingkat mutu dari warna, tekstur, dan rasa pada bakso ikan gabus dengan penambahan rumput laut jenis sango-sango (gracilaria sp. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah eksperimen dan uji organoleptik dengan menggunakan 25 orang panelis agak terlatih. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa secara statistik dan deskriptif. Hasil rata-rata tertinggi yang didapat dari uji hedonik aspek warna dengan nilai (4.44) yang menyatakan suka terhadap warna pada bakso ikan gabus rumput laut, aspek tekstur dengan nilai (4.32) yang menyatakan suka terhadap tekstur pada bakso ikan gabus rumput laut, dan aspek rasa dengan nilai (4.36) yang menyatakan suka terhadap rasa pada bakso ikan gabus rumput laut. Pada uji mutu hedonik hasil rata-rata tertinggi yang didapatkan pada aspek warna (4.20) menyatakan berwarna cukup putih keabu-abuan, aspek tekstur (3.84) menyatakan cukup kenyal dan lembut, dan aspek rasa (4.08) menyatakan cukup terasa gurih.. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil uji hedonik dan uji mutu hedonik menyatakan bahwa produk cukup berwarna putih keabu-abuan, bertekstur cukup kenyal, dan berasa gurih. Kata kunci : Bakso Ikan Gabus, Rumput Laut Sango-sango, uji hedonik, uji mutu hedonikKeyword :