Project’s Detail – IQAS POLTEKBA

Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
One of the departments in the hotel that is tasked with cleaning the room is the housekeeping department. This is in charge of cleaning the room, the completeness of the room and providing the needs provided by the guest is the room attendant. One of the models that developed in education is outside the education in the form of training / internship. Training activities are very important because it is an activity to improve the quality with the application that has been given and practiced directly in the field. In conducting training activities students will gain skills and abilities and increase confidence, understanding the work and work culture in the company to benefit in the form of additional manpower to improve work at the hotel. This research aims to find out the role of training participants in the achievement of room attendant work at Novotel Balikpapan Hotel and the way training participants in helping the performance of room attendants at Hotel Novotel Balikpapan and the way participants are trained in helping the performance of room attendants at Novotel Balikpapan Hotel, using qualitative research methods and using observation data analysis techniques, interviews and documentation conducted at Novotel Balikpapan Hotel that will be conducted discussions so that conclusions can be drawn. The results showed that the training participants were very helpful room attendants in hotel operations and also be followed by the SOP (standard operational procedure) of room cleaning that has been applied to the hotel. Broadly speaking the same as the work of the room attendant staff however, for large responsibilities have not been fully removed by the supervisor. The role of the training participants is very helpful for the performance of the room attendant to the smoothness operation of the hotel. The role of the trainees is very important especially in this pandemic period because the hotel has reduced staff in some areas. Keywords: Training Participants, Room Attendant, Role , Novotel Balikpapan Hotel Salah satu department yang ada di hotel yang bertugas untuk membersihkan kamar adalah housekeeping department. Petugas yang bertanggung jawab atas pembersihan kamar, kelengkapan kamar serta memberikan kebutuhan yang diberikan oleh tamu ialah room attendant. Salah satu model yang berkembang pada pendidikan adalah pendidikan luar dalam bentuk training/magang. Kegiatan training sangat penting karena merupakan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dengan penerapan yang telah diberikan dan dipraktekkan secara langsung di lapangan. Dalam melakukan kegiatan training mahasiswa akan mendapat kemampuan dan keterampilan serta meningkatkan percaya diri, memahami pekerjaan dan budaya kerja pada perusahaan hingga mendapat manfaat berupa tenaga tambahan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian kerja di hotel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran peserta training dalam pencapaian kerja room attendant di Hotel Novotel Balikpapan dan cara peserta training dalam membantu kinerja room attendant di Hotel Novotel Balikpapan, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik analisis data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan di Hotel Novotel Balikpapan yang akan dilakukan diskusi sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta training sangat membantu room attendant dalam operasional hotel dan juga mengikuti SOP (standard operasional procedure) pembersihan kamar yang sudah diberlakukan pada hotel. Secara garis besar sama seperti pekerjaan staf room attendant namun, untuk tanggung jawab besar belum dilepas sepenuhnya oleh supervisor. Peran peserta training sangat membantu kinerja room attendant untuk kelancaran operasional hotel. Kegiatan peran peserta training ini sangat penting sekali apalagi di masa pandemi ini yang dikarenakan hotel mengalami pengurangan staff dibeberapa area. Kata Kunci: Peserta Training, Room Attendant, Peran, Hotel Novotel Balikpapan

Keyword :

Nilai Properti
: FAHIRA NADIA SYARMA, : 952018001, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : DIVISI KAMAR, : 2021, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Tri Retno Nugroho, S.Pd.

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