Abstrak (Abstracts)
This research was conducted to produce a non-invasive blood sugar measuring device, which is a device that can measure blood sugar levels without having to test and examine blood directly but using urine as a specimen based on nodumcuesp8266 using a sensor system consisting of infrared LEDs, photodiodes and tcs230 color sensors. Then the measurement results are displayed on the 20×4 12c character LCD. And it can be on a smartphone. This tool works with the level of turbidity of the urine specimen that has been reacted with Benedicts solution. Turbidity of the urine specimen will cause the intensity of infrared light received by the photodiode sensor to decrease. The decrease in light intensity received by this sensor system causes an increase in the output voltage of the system. The results of measuring blood sugar levels with tools made are then compared with blood sugar levels from analysis with market tools. The percentage on the test equipment for each condition is: Normal Condition Before eating there is an average with an error (2.35). Normal Condition After eating there is an average with the error (3,4) The normal state of fasting has an average with the error value (2.2) The state of diabetes before eating and fasting has an average with an error value of (2) Diabetic State After eating there is an average with the error value (1,3). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan alat ukur gula darah non-invasive, yaitu alat yang dapat mengukur kadar gula darah tanpa harus menguji dan memeriksa darah secara langsung tetapi menggunakan urine sebagai spesimen berbasis nodumcuesp8266 menggunakan sistem sensor yang terdiridari LED infrared, photodioda dan sensor warna tcs230. Kemudian hasil pengukurannya ditampilkan pada LCD karakter 20×4 12c. Dan bisa di smartphone Alat ini bekerja dengan tingkat kekeruhan dari spesimen urine yang telah direaksikan dengan larutan benedict. Kekeruhan spesimen urine akan meyebabkan intensitas cahaya inframerah yang diterima oleh sensor photodioda berkurang. Penurunan intensitas cahaya yang diterima oleh sistem sensor ini menyebabkan kenaikan tegangan keluaran sistem. Hasil pengukuran kadar gula darah dengan alat yang dibuat kemudian dibandingkan dengan kadar gula darah hasil analisis dengan alat pasaran. Presentase pada alat uji untuk setiap kondisi terdapat: Keadaan Normal Sebelum makan terdapat rata – rata dengan error nya (2,35). Keadaan Normal Sesudah makan terdapat rata – rata dengan error nya (3,4) Keadaan Normal puasa terdapat rata – rata dengan nilai error nya (2,2) Keadaan Diabet sebelum makan dan puasa terdapat rata – rata dengan nilai error (2) Keadaan Diabet Sesudah makan terdapat rata – rata dengan nilai error nya (1,3).Keyword : Iot, photodiode, nodemcu, color sensor tcs230 , non-invasive