Abstrak (Abstracts)
Balikpapan is a city in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. According to the BPS of East Kalimantan Province, the rainfall data in Balikpapan has a fairly high rainfall. The occurrence of high rainfall will affect the capacity of the land and affect the infiltration process. This infiltration is a very important part, especially regarding the problem of soil conservation, namely the regulation of the relationship between rainfall intensity, infiltration capacity, and the regulation of surface runoff. Measurement of infiltration rate in the field using a double ring infiltrometer which is immersed in the soil and filled with water. Observation of the decrease in water was measured every 5 minutes interval until it showed a constant decrease and was calculated using the Horton method. This water content examination was carried out by means of the soil in the oven for 24 hours, and testing of soil classification using the USCS method and comparison of research results between flooded and non-flooded areas. The results showed that the average value of the infiltration rate on Jl. Marsma R Iswahyudi (location not flooded) at 1,43 cm/hour, on Jl. Marsma R Iswahyudi (flood location) has a value of 1,33 cm/hour, and on Jl. Taman Sari (flood location) has an average infiltration rate of 0,73 cm/hour. The value of the water content in the non-flooded location is 20.14%, while the soil in the two flooded locations has a water content of 19.59% and 24.85%. Soil classification at flooded and non-flooded locations is included in the SP (sand poor) classification, which is sand of poor gradation, gravel sand, little or no fine grain. ABSTRAK Balikpapan merupakan sebuah kota di Provinsi kalimantan timur, Indonesia. Menurut BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, data curah hujan di balikpapan memiliki curah hujan yang cukup tinggi. Terjadinya curah hujan yang tinggi akan mempengaruhi kapasitas lahan dan berpengaruh terhadap proses infiltrasi. Infiltrasi ini merupakan bagian yang sangat penting terutama tentang permasalahan konservasi tanah yaitu tentang pengaturan hubungan intensitas hujan, kapasitas infiltrasi, dan pengaturan tentang aliran permukaan. Pengukuran laju infiltrasi di lapangan menggunakan alat double ring infiltrometer yang dibenamkan ke dalam tanah dan diisi air. Pengamatan penurunan air diukur ditiap selang waktu 5 menit sampai menunjukan penurunan yang konstan dan dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan metode horton. pemeriksaan kadar air ini dilakukan dengan cara tanah di oven selama 24 jam, dan pengujian klasifikasi tanah menggunakan metode USCS dan perbandingan hasil penelitian antara kawasan banjir dan tidak banjir Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nilai rata-rata laju infiltrasi di Jl. Marsma R Iswahyudi (lokasi tidak banjir) sebesar 1,42 cm/jam, di Jl. Marsma R Iswahyudi (lokasi banjir) memiliki nilai sebesar 1,33 cm/jam, dan di Jl. Taman sari (lokasi banjir) memiliki nilai rata rata laju infiltrasi sebesar 0,73 cm/jam. Nilai kadar air yang berada di lokasi tidak banjir sebesar 20,14%, sedangkan tanah yang berada di dua lokasi banjir memiliki kadar air sebesar 19,59% dan 24,85%. Klasifikasi tanah pada lokasi banjir dan tidak banjir termasuk dalam klasifikasi SP (sand poor) yang merupakan pasir gradasi buruk, pasir berkerikil, sedikit atau sama sekali tidak menggandung butiran halus.Keyword : Laju Infiltrasi, Kadar Air, Klasifikasi Tanah, Metode USCS, Metode Horton