Project’s Detail – IQAS POLTEKBA

Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Japanese bread is one of the sweet bread products that has recently become a trend in the bakery world. Japanese bread has a more attractive advantage than other bakery products. As for the purpose of this study 1) To determine the differences in the quality of Japanese bread made using straight dough and sponge and dough methods in terms of aroma, taste and texture, 2) To determine the difference in the quality of Japanese bread made using straight dough and sponge and dough methods in terms of aroma, taste and texture, 3) To determine the difference in the quality of Japanese bread made using straight dough and sponge and dough methods in terms of aroma, taste and texture, 4) To determine the difference in the quality of Japanese bread made using straight dough and sponge and dough methods in terms of aroma, taste and texture. The data collection techniques used are library research, experiments, questionnaires and documentation. The data collected from the organoleptik test involving as many as 30 panelists were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that at hedonik test, the SD aroma aspect has an average value of 4.40, the SAD aroma aspect has an average value of 4.00, for the SD taste aspect the average value is 4.27, the SAD taste aspect has an average value of 4.37, for The SD texture aspect has an average value of 3.63, the SAD texture aspect has an average value of 3.83. On the results of the hedonik quality test, the SD aroma aspect has an average value of 4.00, the SAD aroma aspect has an average value of 4.10, for the SD taste aspect the average value is 3.60, the SAD taste aspect has an average value of 3.27, for the SD texture aspect the average value is 3.27, the SAD texture aspect has an average value of 3.60. The results of this study have an impact on culinary practitioners in the innovation of making Japanese bread with the best method. Japanese bread merupakan salah satu produk roti manis yang belakangan ini menjadi tren di dunia bakery. Japanese bread memiliki keunggulan yang lebih menarik dari produk roti-roti lainnya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini 1) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas Japanese bread yang dibuat menggunakan metode straight dough dan sponge and dough dalam aspek aroma, rasa dan tesktur, 2) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas Japanese bread yang dibuat menggunakan metode straight dough dan sponge and dough dalam aspek aroma, rasa dan tesktur, 3) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas Japanese bread yang dibuat menggunakan metode straight dough dan sponge and dough dalam aspek aroma, rasa dan tesktur, 4) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas Japanese bread yang dibuat menggunakan metode straight dough dan sponge and dough dalam aspek aroma, rasa dan tesktur. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu studi kepustakaan, eksperimen, angket dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dari uji organoleptik yang melibatkan sebanyak 30 orang panelis dianalisis seara statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada uji hedonik aspek aroma SD nilai rata – rata 4,40, aspek aroma SAD nilai rata – rata 4,00, untuk aspek rasa SD nilai rata – rata 4,27, aspek rasa SAD nilai rata – rata 4,37, untuk aspek tekstur SD nilai rata – rata 3,63, aspek tekstur SAD nilai rata – rata 3,83. Pada hasil uji mutu hedonik aspek aroma SD nilai rata – rata 4,00, aspek aroma SAD nilai rata – rata 4,10, untuk aspek rasa SD nilai rata – rata 3,60, aspek rasa SAD nilai rata – rata 3,27, untuk aspek tekstur SD nilai rata – rata 3,27, aspek tekstur SAD nilai rata – rata 3,60. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan dampak terhadap para praktisi kuliner dalam inovasi permbuatan Japanese bread dengan metode yang terbaik.

Keyword : Japanese bread, straight dough method, sponge and dough method, hedonik test, hedonik quality test

Nilai Properti
: GUSTI ZIDAN RAHMATULLAH, : 942019015, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TATA BOGA, : 2022, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Dr. Tuatul Mahfud, S.Pd., M. Pd.

Drs. Bambang Jati Kusuma, M.M.

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