Abstrak (Abstracts)
The purpose of this study 1) To determine the process of making klepon cookies using additional ingredients of edamame bean flour and Moringa leaf extract (Moringa olieifera), 2) To determine the level of preference by using the hedonic test method on products from aspects of color, aroma, texture and taste of the product. klepon cookies with the addition of edamame bean flour and Moringa leaf extract (moringa olieifera), 3) To determine the hedonic quality of the product from the aspect of color, taste and texture on klepon cookies products with edamame bean flour and moringa leaf extract (moringa olieifera). The data collection techniques used are library research, experiments, questionnaires, and documentation. The data collected from the organoleptic test involving as many as 25 panelists were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the hedonic test, the color aspect of formula 1 average value is 3.84 formula 2 color aspect the average value is 4.24, for the aroma aspect formula 1 the average value is 3.94 formula 2 aroma aspect the average value is 4.12, the texture aspect is formula 1 value the average is 4.12 formulas, 2 aspects of texture, the average value is 4.16, the taste aspect of formula 1 is the average value is 4.16, the second formula is the aspect of taste, the average value is 4.00. Based on the results of the hedonic quality test on the color aspect of formula 1, the average value is 3.76 which means it is brownish green and formula 2 the average value is 4.20 which means brownish green, the aroma aspect of formula 1 has an average value of 3.24, which means slightly edamame and Moringa leaf extract. 2 the average value of 4.00 states that it smells like edamame and Moringa leaf extract, the texture aspect of the average value of 3.96 states that it is crunchy and formula 2 the average value of 3.84 states that it is crunchy, the taste aspect of formula 1 average value of 3.40 states that it tastes slightly edamame and leaf juice. Moringa and formula 2 the average value of 4.04 states that it tastes like edamame and Moringa leaf juice Tujuan penelitian ini 1) Untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan cookies klepon dengan menggunakan bahan tambahan tepung kacang edamame dan sari daun kelor (moringa olieifera), 2) Untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan dengan menggunakan metode uji hedonik terhadap produk dari aspek warna, aroma, tektur dan rasa dari cookies klepon dengan penambahan tepung kacang edamame dan sari daun kelor (moringa olieifera), 3) Untuk mengetahui mutu hedonik terhadap produk dari aspek warna ,rasa dan tekstur pada produk cookies klepon tepung kacang edamame dan sari daun kelor (moringa olieifera). Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu studi kepustakaan, eksperimen, angket, dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dari uji organoleptik yang melibatkan sebanyak 25 orang panelis dianalisis secara statistik destriptif. Berdasarkan hasil uji hedonik aspek warna formula 1 nilai rata – rata 3.84 formula 2 aspek warna nilai rata – rata 4.24, untuk aspek aroma formula 1 nilai rata – rata 3,94 formula 2 aspek aroma nilai rata – rata 4.12, aspek tekstur formula 1 nilai rata – rata 4.12 formula 2 aspek tektur nilai rata – rata 4.16, aspek rasa formula 1 nilai rata – rata 4.16 formula 2 aspek nilai rasa rata – rata 4.00. Berdasarkan hasil uji mutu hedonik terhadap aspek warna formula 1 nilai rata – rata 3.76 menyatakan berwarna hijau kecoklatan dan formula 2 nilai rata – rata 4.20 menyatakan hijau kecoklatan , aspek aroma formula 1 nilai rata – rata 3.24 menyatakan agak beraroma edamame dan sari daun kelor dan formula 2 nilai rata – rata 4.00 menyatakan beraroma edamame dan sari daun kelor , aspek tekstur nilai rata – rata 3.96 menyatakan renyah dan formula 2 nilai rata – rata 3.84 menyatakan renyah, aspek rasa formula 1 nilai rata – rata 3.40 menyatakan agak berasa edamame dan sari daun kelor dan formula 2 nilai rata – rata 4.04 menyatakan berasa edamame dan sari daun kelorKeyword : edamame bean flour, Moringa leaf extract, cookies, hedonic test, hedonic quality test.