Abstrak (Abstracts)
The fuel system is the process of flowing fuel from the tank to enter the system. With the emergence of various kinds of technology, especially in the field of heavy equipment, heavy equipment has helped make it easier for humans to do work so that the expected results can be achieved more easily and in a relatively shorter time. Based on observations in the field when conducting On the Job Training at PT. Galangan Aliran Jaya, the author found a problem with the Caterpillar 330 D Excavator, namely the unit experienced a low engine power. This type of research is a field research that aims to determine the cause of abnormal fuel supply in the caterpillar 330 D excavator fuel system. At the beginning of the problem, the unit experienced low power when it was loaded or the attachment was played. When checking with an Electronic Technician there are cylinders 2 and 5 experiencing Injector: Current Below Normal. After checking the harness, the unit was tested with a Stall combination boom and bucket showing the results of Engine Speed of 1157 Rpm and Max rotation of 1971 Rpm so that it was below the shop manual standard of 1980 Rpm. The results of the Fuel Pressure show 33 Psi below the standard shop manual, which is 65 Psi. When checking / removing the fuel tank line discharger there is foreign material in it. This is what causes the engine to experience low power on the caterpillar 330 D excavator unit. To anticipate that this trouble cannot be repeated, it is necessary to pay attention to objects in the charging area. Fuel system adalah proses mengalirnya bahan bakar dari dalam tangki hingga masuk kedalam system. Dengan munculnya berbagai macam teknologi khususnya dibidang alat berat, alat berat telah membantu memudahkan manusia mengerjakan pekerjaan sehingga hasil yang diharapkan dapat tercapai lebih mudah dan dalam waktu yang relatif lebih singkat. Berdasarkan pengamatan di lapangan pada saat melakukan On the Job Training di PT. Galangan Aliran Jaya, penulis menemukan permasalahan pada Excavator Caterpillar 330 D yaitu unit mengalami engine low power. Jenis penelitian ini adalah field research yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab abnormal supply bahan bakar pada fuel system excavator caterpillar 330 D. Awal mula masalahnya tersebut adalah unit mengalami low power pada saat dibebani atau di mainkannya attachment. Saat melakukan pengecekan dengan Electronic Technician terdapat cylinder 2 dan 5 mengalami Injector: Current Below Normal. Setelah dilakukan pengecekan pada harness, unit di test dengan Stall combination boom and bucket menunjukkan hasil Engine Speed 1157 Rpm dan putaran Max 1971 Rpm sehingga di bawah standar shop manual yaitu 1980 Rpm. Pada hasil Fuel Pressure menunjukkan 33 Psi di bawah standar shop manual yaitu 65 Psi. Ketika melakukan pemeriksaan / pelepasan pada line discharger fuel tank terdapat material asing di dalamnya. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan engine mengalami low power pada unit excavator caterpillar 330 D. Untuk mengantisipasi agar trouble ini tidak dapat terulang kembali perlu perhatikan benda-benda di area tempat pengisian.Keyword : unit excavator, fuel system, low power