Abstrak (Abstracts)
Oil that has been used for engine maintenance will produce used oil waste. This waste contains substances that pollute the air, water and soil. This pollution will be very harmful to the environment if it is not recycled. This research is field research, namely research that is directly carried out in the field because there are problems that occur directly when doing a job by looking at the conditions in the field. The approach method used in this research is the approach method through field observation. In the process of making HSD at PT. Balikpapan Environmental Services has carried out the process according to standards, but there is a shortage in one of the tools used for the manufacturing process, namely the boiler which is not sufficient in the heating process, resulting in less than optimal HSD fuel. Based on the results of lab tests that have been carried out, it was found that there are several parameters in HSD fuel that are not standardized, such as flash point, viscosity and water content. The results of the flash point HSD 33℃, the results of the HSD viscosity of 1.24 cSt and the results of the HSD water content of 1828 mg/kgppm where these results do not fall into the standard category according to the provisions of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas No.146.k/10/DJM/2020 In order to obtain maximum HSD fuel the authors suggest, to use or replace the existing boiler with a new one, additional tools are needed such as water separation can be done by a separation process, with the help of equipment such as centrifuge, water stripping filter or water coalescence filter. Oli yang telah digunakan untuk perawatan mesin akan menghasilkan limbah oli bekas. Limbah ini mengandung zat-zat yang mengotori udara, air, dan tanah. Pencemaran tersebut akan sangat membahayakan lingkungan jika tidak didaur ulang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) yaitu penelitian yang langsung di lakukan di lapangan karena ada permasalahan yang langsung terjadi pada saat melakukan suatu pekerjaan dengan melihat kondisi di lapangan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan melalui observasi lapangan. Dalam proses pembuatan HSD di PT. Balikpapan Environmental Services sudah melakukan proses sesuai standard, akan tetapi kekurangan di salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk proses pembuatan yaitu boiler yang kurang cukup dalam proses pemanasan, sehingga menghasilkan bahan bakar HSD kurang maksimal. Berdasarkan hasil uji lab yang telah di lakukan, didapatkan bahwa ada beberapa parameter dalam bahan bakar HSD yang tidak standar, seperti flash point, viscositas dan water content. Hasil flash point HSD 33℃, hasil viscositas HSD 1.24 cSt dan hasil water content HSD 1828 mg/kgppm dimana hasil tersebut tidak masuk kategori standar menurut ketentuan DIRJEN Migas No.146.k/10/DJM/2020 Agar didapatkan bahan bakar HSD yang maksimal maka penulis menyarankan, untuk menggunakan atau mengganti boiler yang ada dengan yang baru, di perlukan alat tambahan seperti Pemisahan air dapat dilakukan dengan proses separasi, dengan bantuan peralatan seperti centrifuge, water stripping filter ataupun water coalescence filter.Keyword : Kata kunci:Bahan bakar, High Speed Diesel (HSD), oli bekas