Project’s Detail – IQAS POLTEKBA

Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Transmission is a system of transmitting power from engine to the wheels so that they can be rotate. The function of the transmission is to allow for variations in the speed. The automatic transmission consists of several main components : torque converter, electronic control valve unit, and planetary gear unit, in the automatic transmission there are several components that affect acceleration, deceleration, and reverse, one of which is the clutch plates which function to connect and disconnect the rotation of the input shaft to an output shaft. When engaged, the piston will push the clutch plate resulting in clutch the disc being squeezed so that the planetary gear will rotate to continue the rotation of the input shaft. When the process is engaged and disengaged, friction will occur which can cause the clutches pack wears out. This study aims to determine the percentage of wear that occurs in the clutch pack starting from the central tendency, frequency distribution, bar chart shape, and skewness curve. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research with secondary data in the form of Strip Down Report Transmission Allison series 6000 with a total of 31 samples of data collected from 2017 – 2021. After testing, it is known that the average value of the largest percentage of all sections is in the low range section of 87%, then it is known that the largest mode value is in the low range section of 68%, the range the largest low range section, intermediate range, the high range is 65%, the largest standard deviation value is in the low range section, which is 0.6245377, then it is known that the skewness is low split is negatif, the high split is negatif low range is positive, intermediate range is positive, the high range is positive. Transmisi adalah sistem penerus tenaga dari engine hingga ke roda – roda agar dapat berputar. Fungsi dari transmisi yaitu memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan variasi momen dan kecepatan. Transmisi otomatis terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama yaitu : torque converter, eletronic control valve unit, planetary gear unit, pada transmisi otomatis terdapat beberapa komponen yang berpengaruh dalam melakukan akselerasi, dekselerasi, reverse, salah satunya adalah clutch plates yang saat melakukan engaged, piston akan mendorong clutchs plate yang mengakibatkan clutchs disk terjepit sehingga planetary gear akan berputar meneruskan putaran dari input shaft. Saat proses engaged dan disengaged gesekan akan terjadi sehingga clutchs pack mengalami keausan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai persentase keausan yang terjadi pada clutch pack mulai dari central tendency, distribusi frekuensi, bentuk diagram batang, dan kurva skewness. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan data sekunder berupa SDR Transmisi Allison seri 6000 dengan jumlah data 31 sampel yang dikumpulkan dari tahun 2017 – 2021. Setelah dilakukan pengujian diketahui nilai rata – rata persentase terbesar dari seluruh section terletak pada section low range sebesar 87%, selanjutnya diketahui nilai modus terbesar terletak pada section low range sebesar 68%, nilai range terbesar terletak pada section low range, intermediate range, high range sebesar 65%, nilai standar deviasi terbesar terletak pada section low range yaitu 0.6245377, lalu diketahui nilai skewness yaitu pada low split, high split¸ reverse bernilai negatif¸ sedangkan low range¸ intermediate range¸ high range bernilai positif.

Keyword : Transmisi, keausan, clutch, deskriptif

Nilai Properti
: ANDRE ANTONIO PASCHAL, : 912019057, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TEKNIK MESIN, : 2022, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Drs. Syaeful Akbar, M.T.

Dr. Hadi Hermansyah, S.Si., M.Si.

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