Abstrak (Abstracts)
Penulis melakukan penelitian ilmiah di PT. Petrolog Indah Site Senipah dengan tujuan mengetahui dan menganalisa penyebab abnormal noise pump hydraulic pada unit crane tadano GR 550 EX-1 yang mengakibatkan kinerja hydraulic system pada saat digunakan menurun. Hasil Analisa menunjukan bahawa penyebab hydraulic system mengalami kerusakan disebakan adanya kebocoran connector hose axiallry sehingga oli yang mensuplai kedalam pump hydraulic berkurang. Apabila pump hydraulic bermasalah, maka proses hydraulic system tidak beroperasi secara optimal.setelah melakukan pembongkaran ditemukan kebocoran connector hose axiallry dan keausan pada valve plate, bearing dan kerusakan pada piston(shoes) hal tersebut membuat pump hydraulic mengalami abnormal noise. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya kinerja pihak maintenance dalam melakukan pengecekan berkala terhadap komponen hydraulic system, yaitu hose axiallry yang mengalami kebocoran, sehingga oli yang masuk ke pump hydraulic berkurang, karena minimnya oli yang masuk membuat gesekan antara komponen sehingga menimbulkan gram di dalam pump hydraulic sehingga merusak komponen yang berada di internal pump hydraulic sehingga kinerja unit tidak berjalan secara normal. Untuk memperkecil untuk mencegah permasalahan, maka penulis menyarankan agar dilakukannya perawatan terhadap komponen – komponen hydraulic system. The author conducts scientific research at PT. Petrolog Indah Site Senipah the causes of abnormal hydraulic pump noise on the Tadano GR 550 EX-1 crane unit which resulted in decreased hydraulic system performance when used. The results of the analysis show that the cause of the hydraulic system is damaged due to a leak of the axial hose connector so that the oil supply to the hydraulic pump is reduced. If there is a problem with the hydraulic pump, then the hydraulic system process does not operate optimally. After disassembling it was found that the axial hose connector leaked and damage to the valve plate, bearing and piston (shoes) caused the hydraulic pump to experience noise. This is due to the lack of performance of the maintenance party in checking periodic replacements of the components, namely the axially hose that has a leak so that the oil entering the hydraulic pump is reduced, because the lack of incoming oil creates friction between the components, causing grams in the hydraulic pump so that damage the components in the internal. to minimize problems, the authors suggest that maintenance is carried out on the components.Keyword : Pump hydraulic,hydraulic system, Abnormal noise, connector hose axiallry, valve plate,bearing, piston(shoes), maintenace