Abstrak (Abstracts)
ABSTRACT Kurnianti, The Role of Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in Improving Hotel Services at Gran Senyiur Balikpapan, Room Division. Guest Relation Officer is a position in the Front Office Department whose function is as an intermediary or bridge between guests and the hotel, Guest Relation Officer is in charge of welcoming VVIP/VIP guests and can handle all guest complaints problems. This study aims to explain the role of the Guest Relation Officer in improving hotel services at Gran Senyiur Balikpapan and to explain the duties and responsibilities of a Guest Relation Officer, Standard Operating Procedure, and equipment used by Guest Relation Officers at Hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan. The method used in this research is descriptive by describing the data as they are. , and provide an overview of the object of research. The results of this study indicate that the Guest Relation Officer at Hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan has carried out his duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Job Description, and in carrying out his duties and responsibilities in accordance with the existing SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Guest appearance support equipment and supplies. The Relation Officer has been very helpful in his work, but currently the Guest Relation Officer position at the Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan does not have staff who occupy the position due to the reduction in employees and the covid-19 pandemic, so the task of the Guest Relation Officer is carried out by the Guest Service Agent staff. the duties and responsibilities of the Guest Relation Officer at the Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan are as they should be, and have implemented the existing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), and the equipment used by the Guest Relation Officer at the Gran Senyiur Balikpapan hotel must be re-equipped, but what happens in the field The Guest Relation Officer holds concurrent positions by the Guest Service Agent staff. Based on these results, suggestions from the author can be conveyed, Staff Guest Relation Officer (GRO) is very important for hotels, therefore the authors hope that the Gran Senyiur Balikpapan hotel can add Guest Relation Officer (GRO) staff to the Front Office Department because the period has ended. the covid -19 pandemic which of course makes many guests visit the hotel, so there is no double job in the Guest Service Agent section which makes it unable to work properly. Keywords: Hotel, Gran Senyiur Balikpapan, Front Office, Guest Relations Officer, SOP ABSTRAK Kurnianti, Peranan Guest Relation Officer (GRO) Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Hotel Di Gran Senyiur Balikpapan, Divisi Kamar Guest Relation Officer adalah suatu jabatan di Front Office Department yang fungsinya sebagai perantara atau jembatan antara tamu dengan pihak hotel,Guest Relation Officer bertugas menyambut tamu VVIP/VIP serta dapat menangani segala masalah keluhan tamu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peranan Guest Relation Officer dalam meningkatkan pelayanan hotel di Gran Senyiur Balikpapan dan menjelaskan tugas dan tanggung jawab Guest Relation Officer, Standar Operasional Prosedur, dan Peralatan, perlengkapan yang digunakan oleh seorang Guest Relation Officer Di Hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan data sebagaimana adanya, dan memberikan gambaran tentang objek penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Guest Relation Officer di Hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan sudah menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai dengan Job Description, dan dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sudah sesuai dengan SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) yang ada, peralatan dan perlengkapan penunjang kinerja Guest Relation Officer sudah sangat membantu pekerjaan nya, namun saat ini posisi Guest Relation Officer di Hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan belum ada staff yang menempati posisi tersebut akibat adanya pengurangan karyawan dan pandemi covid-19 sehingga hal pekerjaan Guest Relation Officer di lakukan oleh staff Guest Service Agent. tugas dan tanggung jawab Guest Relation Officer di Hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan sudah sebagaimana mestinya, dan telah melaksanakan SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) yang ada, dan Peralatan, perlengkapan yang digunakan Guest Relation Officer Di hotel Gran Senyiur balikpapan harus dilengkapi lagi, akan tetapi yang terjadi dilapangan Guest Relation Officer dirangkap jabatan oleh staff Guest Service Agent. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka saran dari penulis dapat disampaikan, Staff Guest Relation Officer (GRO) sangatlah penting untuk hotel maka dari itu penulis berharap pihak hotel Gran Senyiur Balikpapan dapat melakukan penambahan staff Guest Relation Officer (GRO) pada Front Office Department dikarenakan telah usainya masa pandemi covid-19 yang pastinya membuat banyak tamu yang berkunjung ke hotel, sehingga tidak terjadi double job di bagian Guest Service Agent yang membuat tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik. Kata Kunci : Hotel, Gran Senyiur Balikpapan, Front Office, Guest Relation Officer, SOPKeyword : GUEST RELATION OFFICER