Project’s Detail

Abstrak (Abstracts)
Palu aggregate is an aggregate originating from Sulawesi Island. This aggregate is not only used in the Palu and Sulawesi areas, but this coarse aggregate is widely used in the East Kalimantan area, precisely in the city of Balikpapan. Currently the source of hammer aggregate material is increasingly limited. Alternative aggregates used by the community are the Alindau and Loli aggregates. This research is a laboratory test of concrete structures. To conduct this research, cylindrical concrete specimens with a height of 30 cm and a diameter of 15 cm are used to test the compressive strength of concrete. The subject of this study was to use Alindau coarse aggregate with Loli coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture to determine the compressive strength with the combination of aggregate mixtures. From the results of the compressive strength of concrete and its average at 28 days old, the value of the 100% Alindau mixdesign is still higher than the loli aggregate mix design where the 100% Alindau mix design gets a K value of 350.21 kg/cm2 and the loli aggregate combination gets the result average K-337.68 kg/cm2. Where from these results that the combination of mixdesign alindau and loli there is a decrease from mixdesign alindau 100% but these results are still included in the compressive strength of K-300 kg/cm2 concrete. For concrete compressive strength results of quality plan K-300 kg/cm2 with Alindau 100% Aggregate material composition at 28 days of age get an average yield of K-350.21 kg/cm2, Alindau 90% get an average of K-340.93 kg /cm2, Alindau 85% obtained an average K-336.29 kg/cm2, Alindau 80% obtained an average K-338.61 kg/cm2 , Alindau 75% obtained an average K-336.29 kg/cm2 , Alindau 70% obtained an average of K-336.29 kg/cm2, the results of the compressive strength can be categorized as still above the planned quality. The test results show a decrease in the compressive strength of concrete with a combination of Alindau and Loli mixed materials compared to aggregate materials Alindau 100% where the combination of alindau and loli aggregate material has decreased by 5% compared to 100% alindau aggregate. Agregat Palu merupakan agregat yang berasal dari Pulau Sulawesi. Agregat ini tidak hanya digunakan di daerah Palu dan Sulawesi, namun agregat kasar tersebut banyak digunakan di daerah Kalimantan Timur tepatnya dikota Balikpapan. Saat ini sumber material agregat palu jumlahnya semakin terbatas. Alternatif agregat pengganti yang di gunakan masyarakat adalah agregat Alindau dan Loli. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian uji laboraturium struktur beton, untuk melakukan penelitian digunakan benda uji beton silinder dengan ukuran tinggi 30 cm dan memiliki diameter sebesar 15 cm guna untuk pengujian kuat tekan beton. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan agregat kasar Alindau dengan agregat kasar Loli pada campuran beton untuk mengetahui kuat tekan dengan kombinasi campuran agregat Pengujian kuat tekan beton di lakukan pada umur 28 hari, dengan total benda uji sebanyak 18 benda uji,ada 6 variasi campuran yang akan di lakukan pengujian. Untuk hasil kuat tekan beton rencana mutu K-300 kg/cm2 dengan komposisi material Agregat Alindau 100% di usia 28 hari mendapatkan hasil rata rata K-350,21 kg/cm2, Alindau 90% didapatkan rata-rata K-340,93 kg/cm2, Alindau 85% didapatkan rata-rata K-336,29 kg/cm2, Alindau 80% didapatkan rata-rata K-338,61 kg/cm2 , Alindau 75% didapatkan rata-rata K-336,29 kg/cm2, Alindau 70% didapatkan rata-rata K-336,29 kg/cm2,hasil kuat tekannya dapat dikategorikan masih di atas mutu yang di rencanakan.Hasil pengujian menunjukan terjadi penurunan kuat tekan beton dengan kombinasi material alindau dan loli campuran di bandingkan dengan material Agregat Alindau 100% dimana kombinasi material agregat alindau dan loli terjadi penurunan sebesar 5 % dibandingkan agregat alindau 100%.

Keyword : Agregat alindau dan loli,kuat tekan beton

Nilai Properti
: MUHAMMAD INDRA NURHAIKAL, : 922020027, : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan, : TEKNIK SIPIL, : 2023, : Indonesia, : Tugas Akhir, : Prepustakaan Poltekba,


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Karmila Achmad, S.T., M.T.

Mahfud, S.Pd., M.T.
